Use QuickPlace in AviontéBOLD

We improved BOLD by developing a "QuickPlace" set of features. This provides a streamlined single UI that offers the following functions:
  • See all current open orders
  • Quickly identify and contact people to place
  • Start/end of the day get talent assigned
  • End the placements
  • Provide reasons on whether or not candidates will return tomorrow

High-volume CLI staffing agencies told us that, with a focus coming from CLASSIC/AERO, they need the system to provide a streamlined job creation and placement user interface, so that they may be as efficient as they are when using the same functionality in CLASSIC.

Using QuickPlace, you can fulfill high-volume orders with a minimum of steps and processes.

Key Takeaways

  • QuickPlace in AviontéBOLD streamlines the process of job creation, placement, and talent management for high-volume staffing agencies, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

  • Admins can enable QuickPlace in the user settings to access the QuickPlace Dashboard, which provides a unified interface for viewing open orders, identifying potential placements, and managing talent assignments.

  • The Jobs, Talent, and Placed Talent sections in QuickPlace offer intuitive tools for job search, talent selection, and assignment management, making it easy to fulfill high-volume orders with minimal steps and processes.


For Admins: User Setting

Placed Talent



For Admins: User Setting

If QuickPlace is not already enabled in your environment, admin credentials are needed. Admins need to enable the feature from User Access. 
If you are a BOLD admin, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Account & Settings > User Accounts.
  2. Find the user for which you want to enable the feature.
  3. Click Edit Access.
  4. Under the Features section, there is a QuickPlace option. Select it.

  5. Save, and then Log Out to apply the changes.


To get to the QuickPlace Dashboard, select the QuickPlace tab from the main BOLD dashboard. The QuickPlace dashboard appears.
The dashboard consists of three areas:
Jobs: Here you can find a position that needs to be filled, or do a general search to view all positions.
Talent: Here you can use tearsheets to select a group of talent to place on a job.
Placed Talent: Here, the talent placed on a job will appear when a job is selected.


The Jobs area has the following options:
  • Job Terms: These can be used to filter your searches using a variety of criteria
  • Search bar: Contains the Job Terms
  • Search button
  • Column chooser: Change the display of the Jobs search
  • Saved Searches button: Here you can access previously saved searches from the main Jobs screen
To search for a job, you can use a Job Term, or click the search button search_button.png to retrieve all jobs.
A count of the Total Items is displayed. The Jobs search results are paginated.
Selecting a job via the checkbox on the left-hand side will result in the Placed Talent area being populated with all talent currently assigned to that job. You can select one job at a time.


To bring up a list of Talent, select a tearsheet from the blue button on the right-hand side.



Once a tearsheet has been selected, the talent are listed in the widget.



Note the quick search bar at the top of the widget. This can be used to find and retrieve talent records. To use it, type keywords in the search bar, such as a last name. The results will appear directly below the search bar.



Click on the profile button on the right side to open the talent record in a new tab.



When you search for talent that are not on the tearsheet, a small purple icon will appear near the talent's portrait.


Clicking the talent will add it to the tearsheet.


You can select talent from the list and click the Place button to assign them to a selected job.

After clicking Place, the Assign on Job flyout will appear. QP_-_Assign_on_Job.png



Click Assign Talent. The start sheet flyout will appear:


Click Send. The talent will be assigned to the job and appear in the Placed Talent area.


The Columns chooser allows you to determine which columns in the Talent area are shown.



The column search fields allow you to narrow down the talent tearsheet results.




Placed Talent

Talent that have been placed on a job appear in this area:
  • The toggle allows you to filter the display between All placed talent and Active placed talent. Selecting Active means you can eliminate previous placements from the view.
Select the checkmark to the left of a talent name to select it, or the top checkmark to select all talent.


When you do this, the Update End Dates button becomes active. In order to end an assignment, click it.

When clicked, the End Date & Reason - Mass Update flyout appears:



  • Select Yes or No as to whether this is an Early Termination. If No is selected:
  1. Enter or select an End Date.
  2. Select an End Reason, if applicable; otherwise, leave it as "None."
  3. Click Save. The assignment will be ended.
  • If Yes is selected:
  1. Select a Reason for Early Termination.
  2. Enter or select an End Date.
  3. Select an End Reason, if applicable; otherwise, leave it as "None."
  4. Click Save. The assignment will be ended.


Clicking the Edit button mceclip0.pngfor a placement opens the Hired Details flyout.



The Columns chooser allows you to select which columns are shown on the Placed Talent display:



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