SHL enables you to speed up your hiring without having to compromise on experience, rigor, and outcomes. Successful recruiting processes need to be agile, fair, and friction-free. SHL’s candidate first assessment platform engages, evaluates, and accelerates applicants while providing feedback, reducing drop-offs, and improving conversion rates.
SHL and Avionte have partnered to bring a skills content catalog of over 1200 skills content ranging from Accounting to Healthcare to Light Industrial to Sales. SHL can also support your behavioral assessment needs to measure things like cognitive ability, personality, simulations, etc.
Key Takeaways
Streamlined Hiring Process: SHL's candidate-first assessment platform, integrated with Avionté, accelerates the hiring process by engaging and evaluating applicants, reducing drop-offs, and improving conversion rates.
Comprehensive Integration Features: Avionté's integration with SHL provides access to over 1200 skills content, covering various industries, and supports behavioral assessments such as cognitive ability and personality evaluations.
Efficient Onboarding Tasks: The integration allows users to send single or multiple assessments, track completion via the Onboarding Task Widget, and search for talent based on specific assessment criteria, offering a comprehensive talent management solution.
Integration Features
Frequently Asked Questions
Integration Setup
Marketplace Configuration
Onboarding Task Setup
Creating an Onboarding Packet with Assessments
Sending Assessments
Managing Tasks
Viewing Assessment Scores
Deleting Assessment Scores
Viewing Assessment Tasks in Onboarding Task Widget
SHL Talent Search Term
Talent Experience
Integration Features
- Access to full SHL assessment catalog in BOLD with the ability to perform catalog refreshes to display newly added assessments
- Ability to send single or multiple assessments to a talent at one time
- Instant results being sent to BOLD
- Ability to track and manage the completion of assessments via our Onboarding Task Widget
- Ability to search for talent based on the completion and score of specific assessments
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a way to change the introductory message the Talent gets when they are notified that an assessment has to be sent to them?
Bold uses a common template to notify Talent of their pending assessments. The name (text) of the assessment is passed into BOLD as it appears in the SHL catalog.
The BOLD template is not dynamic, so it uses intentional language to be informational, generic and reusable as assessments can have different completion requirements or timelines.
Integration Setup
The setup for SHL in BOLD first requires an Avionte resource to enable the SHL System Feature.
Marketplace Configuration
Once the SHL System Feature has been enabled by an Avionte resource, you will find the SHL integration enabled in the Avionte Marketplace.
Click the Settings button and complete the configuration in the Connect with SHL screen
Set the Environment toggle - allows you to switch between SHL’s test and production environments
Click the Refresh Assessments button – loads your full SHL assessment catalog into BOLD
Note: The refresh may take up to 1 min. to complete for the first time
Note: Every time the Environment toggle is changed, the Refresh button must be clicked.
Onboarding Task Setup
Assessment Tasks are only available in the Talent > Onboarding Task flyout, to users that have the appropriate Group permission.
To enable the SHL Onboarding Tasks and set group permissions:
Group permissions are set in Account & Settings > Utilities > Talent Onboarding Tasks
Expand Assessment Tasks and toggle SHL to be on
Select a new group from the drop-down, click the + to the right of the drop-down
If no Groups are visible in the drop-down, Groups will need to be created via Utilities > User Groups
Click Save
Creating an Onboarding Packet with Assessments
Add an assessment to a packet to send multiple assessments at once, or to include the assessment with a group of other Talent Onboarding Tasks.
To create an Onboarding Task Packet:
Go to Account & Settings > Utilities > Onboarding Task Packets
- Click the + to create a new packet
- Give the packet a name
- To add assessments, check the box next to "SHL"
- Search in the drop-down for the desired assessment
- Click the + to the right of the selected assessment to pull it into the Task list
- Click Save
Go to Account & Settings > Utilities > Onboarding Task Packets
Integration Usage
Sending Assessments
Assessments can be sent via the Onboarding tab in a talent record. Click the Send Onboarding Tasks button to select the task or packet to send.
To send an Onboarding Task Packet:
- Expand Onboarding Packets
- Select packet from the dropdown
- Click the + to add the packet
Note: You can send multiple packets by selecting additional packets from the dropdown and clicking the + button.
- Click Send
To send an Onboarding Task:
- Expand Talent Assessments
- Check the SHL checkbox
- Select an assessment from the dropdown
- Click the + to add the assessment
Note: Can send multiple assessments by selecting additional assessments from the dropdown and clicking the + button.
- Click Send
Managing Tasks
The filters in Talent > Onboarding will show which assessments are completed and which are outstanding.
Delete unnecessary assessments by checking the box to the left of the assessment and clicking Delete Tasks.
Viewing Assessment Scores
Once the Talent completes the assessment, the score will be visible in the Talent > Results screen.
Users will see a Completed date and an overall score in the Results column.
To view a more detailed score report, click the pop-out icon to open a multi-page PDF report in a new tab.
Deleting Assessment Scores
Assessment scores may be deleted using the red trash can icon:
Deletions are permanent and will require confirmation:
Deleting assessment results will log a Profile Update Activity:
Viewing Assessment Tasks in Onboarding Task Widget
On the MyDashboard screen, SHL onboarding tasks will be included under Sent Tasks and Completed Tasks in the Onboarding Task widget.
There is a Tasks filter option for SHL in order to limit the widget to SHL assessment tasks.
SHL Talent Search Term
SHL has been added to the existing Assessments search term.
Talent Experience
When the Talent logs in to access their Tasks, they will see their Assigned Tasks on the left. They can begin the tasks by clicking Start or by clicking on the individual task on the left side.
- Open assessment task and talent will first be prompted, letting them know that they are being redirected to the partner site.
- Click Continue
- Talent will be prompted with a Data Protection Notice that must be acknowledged by clicking the toggle.
- Click Next
- Click Start to begin the assessment.
- Talent will be notified when the assessment is over.
- Click Continue to be redirected back to the Talent’s home page.
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