Careers Page Editor Styles & Layouts

To configure the Styles & Layouts of a Careers Page, begin by signing in to Avionté. 

Note: When using the Grouping option, the names must match exactly otherwise the records will be separated; since it is case sensitive.




Styles & Layout

Example: "Acme Tools" and "ACME Tools" would not group together.  If the original record is updated (to match the same capitalization) then the records will group together.

  1. Click on the Profile Icon to open the Accounts & Settings menu. 

  2. Select Utilities.  

  3. Select Careers Page Editor. 

  4. Using the Careers Pages menu on the left, locate the Styles & Layouts list and select Add

  5. When prompted, enter the name of the Style and select Create. 

  6. A table of Overall Styles fields will open.  

  7. Scroll through the table, selecting configurations by entering text or selecting from the drop-down menus.   

     8. Select Save Style. The new Style will appear as a Style option for existing Job Boards. 

Note: We recommend 300x80 pixels for the logo/image.  Please test across devices to ensure it looks as expected.
  • To add an existing CSS, paste the Stylesheet URL into the field labeled CSS URLs
  • To create a custom CSS, type or paste the HTML code into the field labeled Custom CSS.  


Career Page - Styles.gif




Choose a theme and adjust colors and fonts how you see fit.  Below are some Theme examples.










Rabbit Ears





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