Careers Page Editor Main Board 3rd party integrations

This excerpt is part of a broader overview article, and for the complete details, you can access the full article here.

  1. Expand the 3rd Party Integrations section by clicking anywhere on the blue bar. 
  2. In the box labeled Thank You Page 3rd Party Conversion Tracking, copy and paste or enter the text to appear. 
  3. To make a Hard Coded URL redirect page.

  4. In the 'Thank You Page 3rd Party Conversion Tracking'

  5. Update the link to the link you want users redirected to
    1. replace ""
      <script type='text/javascript'>window.parent.location.href = ""; </script>

  6. Click on the Save Job Board button
    1. Now the Employee/Applicant will be redirected to that page after applying.

  7. Select Save Job Board. 


Career Page - Main Board - 3rd Party.gif


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