Set up Timesheet Minute Spread (Table Editor)

This is used for how granular you want your timesheet minute options to be. You can have the time displayed in 1, 5, 10, 15, and 30 minute increments.

Edit the minute spread which appears when contractors are filling out their timesheets.


Update the Timesheet Minute Spread

The Talent will only see the increments listed (1, 5, 10, 15, or 30) minutes.

  1. Click on Account & Settings
  2. Click on Table Editor

    Account Settings - Table Editor.gif

  3. Click on Timesheet Minute Spread tile
  4. Select an option from the Select Minute Spread field
  5. Click on the Save button
  6. Click on the Close button

Timesheet Minute Spread - Update - Save.gif


Example of location of Timesheet Minute Spread

The Talent will only see the increments listed (1, 5, 10, 15, or 30) minutes.

  1. Talent needs to log into to Talent Portal
  2. Click on the Timesheets tab
  3. Click on the View Timesheet button
    1. If on more than 1 Job then select the appropriate Job to enter time
  4. When selecting a field to enter time, notice the increments are what was set in the Timesheet Minute Spread (Table Editor).

Talent portal - Timesheet - Time increments.gif


In this example, the increments are 5 minutes


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