Talent Rehire & Termination Date Fields

Rehire & Termination Date fields are available in the Talent record > Operational Information section. This article explains their use in detail and has an FAQ.


Operational Information.png


Note: For Integrated clients, the Hire, Rehire, and Termination Dates sync to Back Office.


Key Takeaways

  1. These fields are restricted by a user permission: A user is only able to edit the Rehire and Termination Date fields if they are a Tax Admin. An AviontéBOLD Admin or Support needs to grant access to this permission if a user does not already have it..

  2. These fields were added so they can be tracked and incorporated into workflow processes: They will also be leveraged by some of our partners' integrations.

  3. Users can capture a talent's rehire and termination date with these fields, and our partners are able to utilize this information for their needs as well.


How to Navigate to and Update the Fields

  1. Navigate to Talent Search and find the talent you want.
    Navigate to Talent Search and find the talent you want.gif

  2. Click the talent's last name.
    Click the talent last name.gif

  3. Scroll down to Operational Information and click the edit button.
    Scroll down to Operational Information and click the edit button.gif

  4. To change the Rehire Date, click the field. A calendar control appears which can be used to set a date. Select or enter a date.
    Change the Rehire Date.gif

  5. To change the Termination Date, click the field. Select or enter a date using the calendar control.

  6. Click the save button in the Operational Information widget to save the changes.
    Click the save button in the Operational Information widget to save the changes.gif



Q1. Is this used only for rehiring to exactly the same position the person previously held?  If so, does it take the place of putting the person back on the assignment at the same pay?  If not, is this just to have a global idea at a glance when the person last worked and terminated to obviate the necessity of looking at the assignments?  Is this more general to reflect any job a person is rehired for?

A1. Because it's a date on the talent record, it's supposed to represent the date the talent is rehired with the staffing agency.  This is not specific to a job or position.

Q2. Why is this restricted to those who have tax administrative authorization? It seems the setup of my employees and their tax admin status is random. Can you suggest an article describing what this status means so I can judge whether to give it to my employees or deny it?  Certainly for convenience, giving recruiters and staffing assistants who place and end employees the right to do this makes sense, but we need to understand tax admin better.

A2. For consistency purposes with other fields that are controlled by the Tax Admin permission, we restricted the Hire Date, Rehire Date, & Termination Date fields behind the Tax Admin permission too.  These dates are when the talent is first hired by the staffing agency, leaves the agency, and then comes back and is rehired, and then when the talent is terminated by the agency.  These are not job-specific dates.

Q3. What partners will this help?  Will it help automate 1095s populating months an employee is not working for us?  Please clarify which partners it will help.

A3. The Hire Date is used by the Equifax Workforce Solutions I-9 integration to prepopulate the hire date in Section 2 of the I-9.

The Rehire & Termination dates are passed to Maximus.

Q4. If a person is rehired and terminated multiple times, will it be trackable in reports etc.?

A4. Yes, changes to these fields are tracked in the Audit

Q5. If a person goes immediately from one assignment to another, is that a termination and rehire or just to show as continuous employment?  What if there is a short break - e.g. a week or two?

A5. These dates are when the talent is first hired by the staffing agency, leaves the agency, and then comes back and is rehired, and then when the talent is terminated by the agency. These are not job-specific dates.


This article: Talent / Applicant Profile Tab Overview contains more information on the Talent Profile as a whole.

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