January 2024


 Implement Pagination in Timesheet Manager - 1/30/2024

🚀 What's New

  • We've added pagination view to the timesheet manager to improve the speed of the timesheet manager by loading results 300 at a time.


  • Customer feedback noted that when a large amount of timesheets are available, the time it takes for the timesheet manager to load is too long.


How does this impact you?

  • Thanks to this enhancement, users should see the timesheet manager load faster when trying to return more than 300 results.



Default Worksite Address Claim Fix - 1/30/2024

🚀 What's New

  • We've added the ability to configure a worksite address as the default worksite address under a company office.


  • Customer feedback noted that there frequently is a primary worksite location for a given company office, and having the ability to configure this as the default for that office would streamline it being set automatically for jobs created under that office.


How does this impact you?

  • Thanks to this enhancement, integrated customers will have the option to choose a worksite as the default worksite for a company office which will be set automatically on jobs created under that office.

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