Set up Worker Comp Codes

This article guides users through customizing workers' compensation codes for companies and jobs in Avionté. It provides step-by-step instructions for both Front Office and Back Office setup, ensuring that the new codes are properly integrated and synchronized across the platform.

Key Takeaways

  • Customize workers' compensation codes in Avionté by accessing the Table Editor through Account & Settings.
  • For new companies, include the new WC code during setup; for existing companies, edit the Operational Information Widget to add the new code.
  • In the Back Office, complete the setup for the new WC code under Admin Tools, ensuring proper dates, rates, and branch assignments.



Front Office Setup

  1. Click on Account & Settings
  2. Click on Table Editor
  3. Type in the top search section: WORKERS COMP
  4. Click on Workers Compensation Codes Tile

    Account Settings - Table Editor - Workers Comp.gif

  5. Enter the new worker comp code
  6. Click the Add button


    1. Example: Entered the code "WC TEST for MN"


  7. Depending on if a new or existing Company
    1. New Company
      1. Create the Company and include the new WC Code in the setup
    2. Existing Company
      1. Edit the Operational Information Widget and add the new WC Code
      2. Save your changes


  8. Create a Job under the company, including the new WC Code in the Job Order


    Note: Once the job has been successfully created, this will force BOLD to sync this new code to the Back Office.

Back Office Setup

  1. Go to your BOLD Back Office then click Admin Tools


  2. Click on Employer
  3. Select correct Supplier


  4. Click the Wc Code Tab
  5. Complete the setup with the Dates/Rates info
  6. Select which branches should share this code
  7. Click Save




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