Electronic 1095-C Available Now In Talent Portal - 01/21/2022 [RN]



For integrated customers, we've added support to display a talent's 1095-C electronically in the talent portal.

Why did we do that?

Based on the feedback from our customers, enabling electronic 1095-C documents would make end of year activities much easier.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

Thanks to this new functionality, your staffing agency can reduce its' costs and provide a better talent experience to their employees.

Now What?

NOTE: This only works for integrated customers who use the ACA Companion App. The functionality is not automatic. Please contact Support to have this feature turned on if you are interested. 


Visibility in the BOLD talent portal is controlled via the option in Utilities: Talent Profiles > Pay History.


The Back Office setting (property) that controls which year(s) 1095-C's are shown/available is "EmployeePortal_Max1095CYearToDisplay."


For more information about this feature, please see the following KB articles:



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