Adobe Mapping Update For Date Formats - 04/08/2022 [RN]



We improved the onboarding experience in AviontéBOLD, by allowing clients to choose which of the two most common date formats they'd like to use in Adobe documents.

Why did we do that?

Customer feedback from the United States indicated a preference for having dates appear in the "mm/dd/yyyy" format, while feedback from international customers indicated a preference for having dates appear in the "dd/mm/yyyy" format.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

Thanks to this enhancement, you can now ensure dates appear in whichever common format works best for your users.

NOTE: No changes to the existing date mapping field references are being made. Customers wishing to have a specific date format in new or existing Adobe documents can update the merge fields which clearly identify the date format that will be used.

Now What?

This new ability is available immediately for all users. If you'd like to start using the new merge fields for a specific date format, please refer to our Adobe Mapping KB article.



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