Activity Pinning for Talents and Contacts - 05/19/2022 [RN]



We improved activity management in AviontéBOLD, by adding the ability to pin specific activities.

Why did we do that?

Customer feedback noted that users want to ensure important activities aren't lost over time and remain highly visible.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

Thanks to this enhancement, pinned activities will automatically appear at the top, instead of in chronological order. This way the key details/activities are readily available when opening the Talent or Contact Activities tab.

Now What?

This change is automatic for all AviontéBOLD users.

  • When you are viewing the talent or contact activities tab, and there is an activity logged against the profile, use the "pin" icon to keep the activity at the top of the activities list, in chronological order.
  • All unpinned activities appear in chronological order below the pinned activities.
  • The act of pinning or unpinning an activity is shown in the talent's audit log.
  • Other HCM users will see this as a pinned activity as well.



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