Enhancements to Talent Questionnaires - 08/26/2022 [RN]


What did Avionté do?

We improved Talent Questionnaires (formerly Web Applicant Tests) with multiple enhancements:

  • Consistent labeling of this tool throughout the system 
  • Customization in the text editor sections, using a rich text editor
  • Provide the ability to include a talent-facing title for the email/questionnaires
  • Ability to upload a document as an attachment with the questionnaire
  • Added more "Single Line" options to match Adobe merge (linked) fields - Emergency Email 1, Emergency Email 2
  • Allows Questions to be dragged/dropped to determine question order. Use of the Question Order field is no longer necessary, and this prevents having multiple questions with the same order position.
  • Shows questionnaire title in Results Aside & Extracted PDF
  • Added new field on Talent Profile > Tax Tab for Emergency Contact Email
  • An audit log on the talent profile
  • Updates to the Essay question type. If an Essay question is made required, a minimum number of characters can be set. This prevents talent from being able to bypass the question by entering only a special character, like a period.
  • If a question is not required and no score is recorded, the answer is reported as "N/A" (not applicable)
  • When talent receives email notifications that they have a questionnaire to complete, the email will show the name of the questionnaire(s), so it matches what was assigned by the BOLD user.
  • Fixed known bugs
Why did we do that?

Customers requested these enhancements after using questionnaires extensively and making improvement requests.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

Thanks to these enhancements, Talent Questionnaires should be easier to use and more effective at gauging talent information and expertise levels.

Now What?

Talent Questionnaires are available to all clients using AviontéBOLD; no additional cost or system setting changes is necessary.


For more information and directions on creating and sending talent questionnaires, see this knowledge base article: Create and Send Talent Questionnaires – AviontéBOLD.



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