Mass Background Checks from Job Nominations & Pipeline - 09/08/2022 [RN]



We improved the background check integrations in BOLD for Asurint v2, Choice v2, Crimcheck, PeopleG2, Global HR Research, and Liberty Screening. 

You can now mass background check talent from the job nominations and pipelined screens.


Why did we do that?

There are times when certain customers or jobs require specific background checks to be run for the talent who are potentially going to be placed on a job. 

We wanted to make this a quick and easy process for users, so we added a mass action for Mass Background Check under the Job Nominated & Job Pipelined screens.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

Thanks to this enhancement, you now will be able to quickly background check all talent either nominated or pipelined on a job, without having to go to each individual talent record to perform that task.

Now What?


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