Position Category & Skill Set Tags | Updated "Add Tag" Functionality - 09/20/2022 [RN]



We improved Talent Profile, Talent Portal, and Web Apply by including the ability to use position category and skill set tags.

Why did we do that?

Clients asked for the ability to have talent and HCM Users add Position Category & Skill Set tags en masse.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

Thanks to these enhancements, you can set tags for position category and skill set in three places:

  • Talent Profile
  • Talent Portal - Talent Facing Tags
  • Web Apply - Talent Facing Tags

You can add multiple Position Category/Skill Set tags on a talent profile.

Talent Users can add multiple Position Category/Skill Set tags to their profile.

Now What?

These enhancements are available to all AviontéBOLD customers.




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