Manage an Auto-share Widget

Auto-sharing a job is a great way to market your job to a large number of candidates.

Note: Facebook and Twitter have removed their Jobs API and therefore our Facebook and Twitter integrations will no longer work.


While Auto-shares can be edited and managed individually through the Job Details page, Avionté offers an Active auto-shares widget, available on the Avionté dashboard, that allows Avionté users to see all of the active auto-shares, when they have last shared and when they will share next. 

  1. Add the Widget by clicking Add Widget under the MyDashboards tab. 
  2. Select the Active Auto Shares widget under the Social section.
  3. Click the green plus symbol to add the widget to your dashboard:
    1. Once the widget has been added to your profile, it will say when the job was last shared, the next share, and the status. (Whether or not it is shared)

Dashboard - Social - Auto Share Widget.gif

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