Widgets - Jobs

Widgets that monitor job posting and order management activity can be added to myDashboard. 




Active Jobs Monitor

An overview of your jobs (jobs on which you are the owner) and the talent placed in each bucket:

  • Days Open
  • Days Inactive
  • Nominated
  • Pipelined
  • Applied

Note: The widget's color-coded thresholds are set system-wide by admins in Job Search Settings



Talent Submittals (Candidate Submittals)

Chart of New Candidate Submittals for Jobs.

Pie chart of the number of new candidate submittals per user over a selected date range.



My Scoreboard

Key Performance Indicators and your personal performance comparison.


New Orders

Chart of New Job Orders.

Pie chart that provides a visual representation of the number of jobs created per user over a specific date range.


New Talent

Talent that has been assigned to your jobs that you have not yet reviewed.

Displays Talent added to the Pipeline, Nominated, or Web Applicants sections of the Talent Screen for jobs on which you are the owner that you haven't yet reviewed. Click on a number in the widget to open the job's Talent Manager. Once the profile is previewed by clicking the Resume preview icon, or the profile is manually marked as viewed at the bottom of the mass actions menu list, the profile will no longer trigger as new Talent within this widget. 


Open Orders

Shows a count of Orders that are about to start, but are not yet filled. 



Refundable Reqs

Reqs that are still eligible for refunds.

These are set up in the company profile. They are used for a direct hire position where a time period is negotiated.

If a person does not work out, users can get a refund on a job that was set up to have it scheduled (kind of like a warranty).

Refund schedule tag option is where this can be set up. This option will show all jobs that are eligible for a refund. This is shown on the company level, not the job level; it's set up based on the current date, and the refund is calculated.



Talent Arrival Calls

Displays a count of assignments that are about to start or have recently started.

This widget displays these recent starts broken down by Branch and Users.


Your Posted Jobs

Currently posted jobs where you are a job owner.

This widget allows you to view all the jobs which have been posted, on which you are the owner. This information is displayed across two tabs. The first tab, entitled “Your Posted Jobs,” will display the posted jobs of which you are the owner. The second tab, entitled “All,” will show every job that has been posted by your company, regardless if you are the owner or not.

Note: These results are limited by the user's Office Access. When viewing "Yours", a user is limited to only the jobs posted in offices they have access to. Similarly, when looking at "All" jobs, the results are only for jobs in offices the user has access to.

In both tabs, you’ll see the job title and the company (both of which will be linked), the date in which it was posted, and all the external job boards it has been posted to. If you leverage any paid sites, with limited job slots, you will immediately see how many have been posted to those boards. You are also given the ability to “View” the post, which will take you to the Job Posting on your Career Page.

From this widget, you can view the posting, and jump to the Job or Company record.


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