Consolidating Invoices

Consolidating invoices allows you to put all of your timesheet invoices on one timesheet. This feature is based on the Billing Contact. By selecting "Consolidate Invoices" on the Job Details page of the job, you can combine invoices for a particular job. By selecting this across multiple jobs and having the same billing contact, you can combine multiple invoices across different jobs.

Note: The following article only applies to clients using the BOLD payroll and invoicing and does not apply to clients using the integrated solution.



Set Up

  • On the Job Details page, click "Consolidate Invoices" under the Operations and Financials section. 
  • If consolidating across multiple jobs, make sure all of the jobs have the same billing contact. 
  • Once these two fields are updated, the invoices will consolidate when sent to your respective invoicing software.





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