Contractor Pay

The Contractor Pay Report is where users can view timesheets and pay their contractors. This report allows you to filter by week ending date, the status of the timesheet, and the employment type. These filters allow your back-office team to keep track of timesheets so that they know when time sheets need to be submitted, approved, or who has already been paid by the week. Once timesheets have been approved, timesheets can be processed for payment using the Contractor Pay Report. This report also allows users to easily view all timesheets that have been both paid AND invoiced. 



Timesheet Statuses
Processing an Approved Timesheet
Processing Invoiced Timesheets








Week Ending Range

    • Allows users to easily view timesheets for a specific time frame. Filter by one week or multiple weeks.

Timsheet Status

    • Use these filters to view the status of timesheets. They can be organized by Open, Submitted, Rejected, ApprovedPaid, Invoiced, and Paid and Invoiced.

Tax Type

    • Contractors are given tax types when starting a position. Use this filter to narrow down timsheets by one or all tax types: W-2, 1099, and C2C



Timesheet Statuses


The open timesheet status allows users to view all contractors who have yet to submit time. Use this filter to stay on top of contractors who still need to fill out their hours. 



The submitted status is an easy way to keep track of those timesheets that have been submitted, but still need to be approved by a hiring manager and/or other timesheet approvers. 



If a submitted timesheet has been rejected by the hiring manager, this filter will allow you to see those and keep track of who still needs to resubmit their time and have it approved.



Easily see timesheets that have been approved by the hiring manager and/or other approvers. Once the timesheets have been approved this report allows your back office team to process timesheets for payment. 



Processing an Approved Timesheet

  • Use the check boxes to select the appropriate timesheets to process.
  • Process those timesheets by using the blue Process button on the bottom right of the screen.
  • By processing timesheets, the contractors are not paid. Exportable reports for your proper payroll provider can be found in the Pay & Bill archive.



Once the timesheets have been processed, they are marked as paid. Use this filter to view time that has been paid to the Contractor but has not been invoiced to the client.



This filter allows your back office team to view time that has been invoiced but not yet paid. From here, users can process timsheets for payment.



Processing Invoiced Timesheets

  • Select the timesheets to process using the check boxes to the left
  • Process by clicking the blue Process button on the bottom right of the screen. 


Paid and Invoiced

Timesheets that have been processed for both pay and bill will appear will appear using this filter. Use the to easily report on timesheets that have gone through the cycle.



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