NB Statutory Holiday Report (BOLD Analyze)


Updated 01/26/2023


This report provides information about statutory holidays for talents in New Brunswick.

Note: This report is part of the INSIGHTS product, please contact your Account Manager to learn more.

Click on the links below for more information:

If you don't have access to INSIGHTS/Analyze, please reach out to your Account Manager.



    Filter Panel
Locating the Analyze Report
Filter Options
Field Details







Filter Panel




Locating the Analyze Report

  1. Click on Analyze Tab
    The Reports Subtab will automatically be selected
  2. In the Search Reports field, type NB S
  3. Click on the NB Statutory Holiday Report Report





This report provides information about statutory holidays for talents in New Brunswick.



Filter Options

NB_Filters.png Filter Name Options Description
Division All available Employers List Refine Employer of Transaction
Region All available Region List Refine Region of Transaction
Office All available Office List Refine Office of Transaction
Talent Name Free text to enter Talent Name Refine Name of Talent (Search by Last Name, First Name Middle Name)
Date Type Options:
Accounting Period Date
Week Worked







Field Details

Field Name Description Notes
Transaction Employer Transaction's Employer  
Transaction Region  Transaction's Region The column is hidden but it can be selected to display in the report
Transaction Office  Transaction's Office  
BO Talent ID Talent's ID from Back Office/Classic The column is hidden but it can be selected to display in the report
Talent ID Talent's ID from Front Office/Bold  
Talent Talent's Full Name.  The actual Talent Name (Last name, First name Middle name) at the time when the transaction was processed. This is pulled from transaction snapshot
First Week Worked Talent's First Week Worked Date  
Total Days Worked Talent's Total Days Worked  
Wage Earned Talent's Total Wages Earned for the Transactions between the date range  
Average Daily Wages Talent's Total Wage Per Day for the Transactions between the date range Calculated as: Wage Earned / Total Days Worked and Total Days Worked is not equal to 0
Average Daily Hours Talent's Average Hours Per Day Calculated as: Hours Worked / Total Days Worked and Total Days Worked is not equal to 0
Eligible For Stat Holiday Pay Talent's eligibility status for statutory holiday pay If the First Week Worked Date is less than or equal to Holiday Date - 90 days, then Yes is displayed.



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