Recruiter Summary (INSIGHTS)

Users: Staffing agency recruiters, managers, and executives.

Goal: To provide a centralized view of key recruitment and financial metrics for effective decision-making.

Overview: The Recruiter Summary dashboard presents trending starts, ends, gross profit, margin, talent, billed clients, and invoice details. It summarizes recruitment and gross profit dashboards, providing a centralized location for recruiters to track their performance and make informed decisions.


  1. Trending Metrics: Displays trends for starts, ends, gross profit, margin, talent, billed clients, and invoice details, helping recruiters identify patterns and areas for improvement.
  2.  Centralized Dashboard: Consolidates recruitment and gross profit dashboards into one location, providing recruiters with a comprehensive view of their performance.


  • Efficient Decision-Making: Allows recruiters to quickly assess their performance and focus on areas that require attention.
  • Improved Performance Tracking: Provides a centralized location for recruiters to track their starts, ends, gross profit, and other key metrics.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Offers a clear overview of recruitment and financial metrics, enabling recruiters to make informed decisions.

Example Scenario:

Sarah, a recruiter at a staffing agency, uses the Recruiter Summary dashboard to review her performance. She notices a downward trend in starts and ends for the past month. After analyzing the data, Sarah realizes that she needs to focus on sourcing more candidates and closing deals to improve her performance.

Using the dashboard, Sarah can quickly identify areas for improvement and adjust her recruitment strategies accordingly. She sets specific goals for the upcoming month to increase her starts and ends, leading to improved performance and results.


Note: Users for Business Intelligence prior to 2022, please contact your Account Manager.

The entire Report is called a Dashboard. A Dashboard can have several Widgets, which are the individual Graphs, Charts, or Details. Below is an example of the Recruiter Summary Dashboard.

Field Details

Field Name Description Located in Widget
Cost GrossWages + AgencyCost + EmployerTaxes + WorkerComp + GPAdjPay + GPAdjCost + Burden
Gross Profit (BillAmount + GPAdjBill – DiscountAmount) – (GrossWages + AgencyCost + EmployerTaxes + WorkerComp + GPAdjPay + GPAdjCost + Burden)
Company Count  
Accounting Period Year  
Accounting Period Quarter  
Accounting Period Month  
Company (Name)  
Office Name  
Bill Amount Sum of Item Bill of all Transaction type which is taxable i.e. Is Adjustment = 0
GP Adj Bill Sum of Item Bill for Transaction types that is nontaxable and has property GPCalculation set to True.
Discount Amount Discount Amount, if used.
Gross Wages  
Agency Cost Sum of Item pay is transaction is linked to Agency or Non W2 Employee (Sub contractors)
Employer Taxes Sum of all Employer Taxes.
Worker Comp Cost Sum of Worker Comp Cost.
GP Adj Pay Sum of Item Pay for Transaction types that is nontaxable and has property GPCalculation set to True.
GP Adj Cost Sum of Item Cost for Transaction types that is nontaxable and has property GPCalculation set to True.
Burden Sum of Additional Burden, if used (Admin tools >> Burden)

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