Verify that there is an Internal Office listed. If not, please reach out to your Account Manager
- Preventing Internal Users from seeing Internal salaries
- Examples of what Users see (or don't see) when restricted
Restricting Access to Office(s) for a User
- Click Account & Settings
- Click User Accounts
- Click Edit Access next to the User you want to update
- Go to the Offices section and choose one (or both) options:
- Restrict Access to Talent by office
- This option prevents Users from seeing Talent in Offices they don't have access to
- Restrict Access to Companies by office
- This option prevents Users from seeing Companies in Offices they don't have access to
- Restrict Access to Talent by office
- Click the Save button
- Click the Edit Profile button
- In the Office Access section
- Uncheck the Offices you do not want them to have access to
- Click the Save button
- The User must log out and log back in for the permissions/changes to be applied
Example of Offices not available
- When the User goes to do a search
- In example above, the User doesn't have access to the 2 branches:
- (Avi Staffing-US) St. Paul
- (Internal-US) Minneapolis
- In example above, the User doesn't have access to the 2 branches:
- Notice that those 2 Offices are missing
- If you have a link, and try to view it
- When the Talent is in one of the Offices the User doesn't have access to
- When the Talent is in one of the Offices the User doesn't have access to
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