Restrict Access for Internal Users

Verify that there is an Internal Office listed.  If not, please reach out to your Account Manager

  • Preventing Internal Users from seeing Internal salaries
  • Examples of what Users see (or don't see) when restricted


Restricting Access to Office(s) for a User

  1. Click Account & Settings
  2. Click User Accounts
  3. Click Edit Access next to the User you want to update
  4. Go to the Offices section and choose one (or both) options:
    1. Restrict Access to Talent by office
      1. This option prevents Users from seeing Talent in Offices they don't have access to
    2. Restrict Access to Companies by office
      1. This option prevents Users from seeing Companies in Offices they don't have access to
  5. Click the Save button

    Account Settings - User Account Edit - Office Restrict.gif

  6. Click the Edit Profile button
  7. In the Office Access section
  8. Uncheck the Offices you do not want them to have access to
  9. Click the Save button

    Edit Profile - Office Access.gif

  10. The User must log out and log back in for the permissions/changes to be applied



Example of Offices not available

  1. When the User goes to do a search
    1. In example above, the User doesn't have access to the 2 branches:
      1. (Avi Staffing-US) St. Paul
      2. (Internal-US) Minneapolis
  2. Notice that those 2 Offices are missing

    Restrict Offices example - Talent Search - Branch.gif

  3. If you have a link, and try to view it
    1. When the Talent is in one of the Offices the User doesn't have access to



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