Careers Page Editor Workflow Sequence/Order

This excerpt is part of a broader overview article, and for the complete details, you can access the full article here.

Choose to make either Online Questions or EEO forms required, or both! Drag and drop the sequence you wish applicants to complete their online form. 

Note: If requirements are turned on and a web applicant doesn't finish their application in full, they will be parsed into Avionté but will not be attached to the job they began applying for. To prevent that from happening, we recommend not turning requirements on. 



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Update Sequence

  1. When all the Applicant Detail fields have been determined, scroll down and expand the Apply Sequence options by clicking anywhere on the blue bar.  

  2. Reorder the Apply Sequence by dragging and dropping the individual stages. Stages that appear in gray cannot be reordered. 

  3. Determine whether the stages that appear in blue are Hidden, Optional, or Required by selecting the correct button.  

  4. By making an option Required, it means that the applicant needs to complete that stage in order for it to be associated with the job in the system. This does not force the applicant to fill out the stage in the cases of Category & Skills, EEO, and Online Questions. 

    For example, you can ensure applicants fill out their Education and/or Work History (or explicitly indicate that they don't have any) by setting the Education & Work option to Required.

  5. Select Save Workflow. The workflow is saved without additional notification.

  6. The new Workflow will appear as a Default Workflow option for existing Careers Pages.  The workflow selected in this area will be the default workflow used when posting Jobs to this Careers Page. The new Workflow will also appear as an option to select when posting a job. 


Career Page - General Apply - sequence.gif



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