Permission for Mass Email Unsubscribe

Turn this feature on to allow recipients of mass emails to unsubscribe from receiving them in the future. Additionally, you can change an applicant's or contact's unsubscribe status from his/her profile.

This permission is needed in order to utilize the unsubscribe option.


  1. Click on Account & Settings
  2. Click on Utilities
  3. Click on the System Email Settings tile
    1. Search by typing EMAIL into the Search Utilities field
  4. Click on the Edit icon

    Account Settings - Utilities - System Email Settings email Edit.gif

  5. Choose one of the following options
    1. Enabled: Allows recipients to unsubscribe to future mass emails
    2. Not Enabled: Does not allow recipients to unsubscribe to future mass emails

  6. Click on the Save button



Example of Mass Email with Unsubscribe option

  1. Click on Please click here to unsubscribe link

  2. A new window will appear

  3. If unsubscribed, it will show on the Profile > Contact Information widget



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