Equifax I-9 HQ™: Setup and User Guide

Stay on Top of I-9s at Each Stage with I-9 HQ. I-9 HQ is an industry-leading electronic I-9 management platform designed with the needs of you and your people at the center. With I-9 HQ, you can provide a simpler, more efficient, and timely I-9 process that is easier to use for both your HR teams and new hires. It integrates with E-Verify and is scalable to fit businesses of any size. 



Connecting to I-9 HQ™ from BOLD

After you are implemented on the BOLD platform, you must follow the steps below in order to add the I-9 HQ integration to your account. It’s recommended that you have your locations and HCM users already created in BOLD prior to doing this.

  1. Start on the BOLD menu
  2. Select the Avionté Marketplace option
  3. Search for Equifax and click the ‘Settings’ option

NOTE: Searching for Equifax may return a result under ‘Featured’ and ‘Onboarding’. You may select either option.


Next, you will follow the steps below:

  1. Choose the primary employer you are setting up a connection for
  2. Add primary I-9 HQ user/contact
  3. I-9 and E-Verify will automatically be checked and cannot be disabled
  4. Select I-9 Anywhere if contracting for Remote Completion options
  5. Add/Remove HCM users that should have I-9 HR Admin access in I-9 HQ

Save your selections.


Once you save your selections above, you will need to enable your E-Verify preferences:

  1. Select E-Verify preferences (one account for all or multiple E-Verify accounts)
  2. Select/Add/Edit the “locations” that will use E-Verify
  3. Click Submit

Keep in mind that this step must be completed even if none of your offices/branches/hiring locations are using E-Verify. This also drives location creation and location synchronization between BOLD and I-9 HQ.


Once both the create account and E-Verify steps are complete, then information will be sent to I-9 HQ in order to create your account, along with requesting any new E-Verify account set-ups added.

Please note that E-Verify accounts are not approved until the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) generated from E-Verify is signed. This email will come directly from E-Verify via email to the person designated as the MOU signer, typically within one business day of the request. The MOU is owned by E-Verify, not Avionté or Equifax Workforce Solutions, and cannot be modified. After the MOU is signed, your I-9 HQ account/locations should be authorized for E-Verify use within one business day.

Keep in mind that customers can begin using I-9 HQ immediately after the account is created, even if your E-Verify account(s) are not yet approved. However, any I-9 completed prior to the MOU being signed and the date E-Verify approves your account, cannot be sent to E-Verify for a response.


I-9 Compliance Resources

Before you begin, it’s recommended that you review the Form I-9 (including instructions), the M-274 – The Handbook for Employers, and the Guidance for completing the Form I-9 (Employment eligibility verification form).

Additional resources include:

  • I-9 Central website: http://www.uscis.gov/I-9Central
  • Immigration law and employment eligibility verification regulations can change over time, so we encourage you to periodically check I-9 Central for updated Form I-9 information.
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) website: http://www.dhs.gov
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website: http://www.uscis.gov
  • E-Verify website: http://www.dhs.gov/e-verify
  • Handbook for Employers (M-274) Guidance for Completing Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form) (Rev. 03/08/2013) N: http://www.dhs.gov/e-verify
  • English and Spanish versions of Form I-9 from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) site at www.uscis.gov. To order Forms I-9 or print copies of the Handbook for Employers (M-274) by telephone, call the USCIS Forms Request Link toll-free at 1-800-870-3676.

Federal immigration laws make it mandatory for employers to verify the employment eligibility of all workers hired after November 6, 1986. This requirement is fulfilled through the completion and storage of a Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form. Completed Forms I-9 must be maintained by the employer for three years after the date of hire or one year after employment ends, whichever is later. An individual may not begin employment unless Form I-9 is completed. Failure to comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended, will subject employers to civil or criminal penalties including fines.

I-9 HQ Overview

I-9 HQ is a paperless solution which digitally organizes Forms I-9, reduces costs, and helps maintain compliance with immigration laws and with regulations governing the Form I-9 and E-Verify®. The PeopleHQ portal from Equifax Workforce Solutions leverages cloud-native technology to provide an enhanced user experience that is both WCAG compliant and accessible from a laptop or mobile device.

In the context of I-9 HQ, the PeopleHQ Portal offer two main experiences:

  • Employee Experience - Where your talent may complete actions assigned by the HCM User for completing or updating their Form I-9.
  • Employer Experience - Where authorized HCM users can manage their I-9 program and take action on any outstanding I-9 related task.

Please note that screenshots and options depicted in this document may vary depending on your assigned permissions in BOLD, I-9 HQ or with your contracted services.

Employee (Talent) Experience

The I-9 HQ service offers a quick and easy way for your talent to have an enhanced onboarding experience. Talent can easily complete any of the following actions from their laptop, mobile device, or 24/7 app after the I-9 Task has been sent:

  • Complete Section 1 of the Form I-9
  • Scheduled I-9 Anywhere appointments, if using Remote Hire options
  • Redirect back to their Onboarding Packet after Section 1 completion
  • Update SSN if they originally selected SSN Applied For (Available in I-9 HQ Only)
  • Make Section 1 updates if assigned by the HCM user or recruiter (Available in I-9 HQ Only)

Creating Talent and Sending I-9 Task

Depending on your unique workflow, there may be multiple ways that a talent record can be created in BOLD. This could be done when the talent self-creates their record via online application, mobile app automation, resume parse, etc. In the event your organization does not use an automated workflow that creates the talent record, you will need to follow the process below in BOLD to create the talent user account:

  1. Go to the Talent Menu and find the applicant
  2. Send Onboarding Task
  3. Create the User and Send Email

Before sending the I-9 task to the new hire, it’s important to ensure that a hire date is entered in BOLD. Doing this will automatically transfer the hire date to the Form I-9. Otherwise the hire date will be captured as the date your talent clicks on the I-9 task. The HCM user or recruiter will have the opportunity to change the hire date when completing Section 2, or if Section 2 is already completed, this change would need to be done through a Section 2 amendment.


After the I-9 task is sent to the talent, then the Onboarding Tasks Status in BOLD will change to ‘Sent’.


Talent I-9 Experience (Section 1)

The talent will now be able to see an Equifax Workforce Solutions I-9 task to complete after logging into their packet:

  1. Once they click the ‘Start’ option, their employee profile will be created in I-9 HQ
  2. The talent will see a pop up screen letting them know they are being redirected to Equifax Workforce Solutions I-9. Clicking the ‘Continue’ button will launch the Section 1


If accessing from the 24/7 app, the talent will:

  1. Tap the 24/7 Onboarding menu
  2. Select the Equifax Workforce Solutions I-9 task
  3. Click to Continue

If I-9 HQ rejects this packet for any reason, a warning message will be displayed after the talent clicks ‘Continue’. Review the error message for troubleshooting. Common causes for rejection may include special characters in the talent data or assigning an office/branch/hiring site that is available in BOLD but was not sent to I-9 HQ.

Next, the talent will be brought through the I-9 HQ Section 1 experience by landing on the welcome page below.

After clicking the button to ‘Get Started’, the talent will be presented with a Personal Information section to complete. Talent information from BOLD will be used to pre-populate this portion of the Form I-9 task. To update or add data for this Talent prior to assigning the I-9 Task, authorized HCM Users can go to the BOLD Talent record to do so.

Your talent will then continue through an easy-to-use I-9 flow, attesting to their current citizenship status. These fields are dynamic, so based on the talent’s response, additional information may be required to proceed.

  1. A citizen of the United States will not required to enter additional information in this section, nor will you need to reverify them when their documents expire
  2. A Noncitizen National of the United States also does not require reverification

  3. A Lawful Permanent Resident will be asked to provide their USCIS A-Number in the space provided. Permanent residents that provide an unexpired Form I-551 document are not subject to reverification

  4. A Noncitizen Authorized to work until (XXX) will need to provide their authorization expiration date,
    indicate their noncitizen authorized document, and complete the subsequent field(s) based on
    their entry. A talent that indicates this citizenship status will need to be reverified prior to their
    document expiration date. I-9 HQ will help you to monitor these by creating a reverification task
    on the I-9 HQ dashboard 90 days prior to the document expiration.

Next, they will be asked if a preparer or translator is assisting them with this document. If they answer no,
they can continue without adding any additional information. If they answer yes, they will be asked to enter the preparer(s) or translator(s) information. They can add up to 4 people. Anyone added here would also need to sign the Section 1 attestation.



The final step in the process is for the talent to review their information and click the button to use this
information to fill out their Form I-9. If they find something that needs to be updated, they can click on the pencil icon to make those changes.


The electric signature can be applied by using a finger, mouse, stylus or through the Assistive Signature option.

Once signed, Section 1 is complete and the Talent task status within BOLD is changed from ‘Sent’ to ‘Complete I-9 Section 2’. An email is sent to the talent from I-9 HQ, confirming their Section 1 completion.

If your organization chooses to use the employee upload option within your organization settings, the talent will not be asked to upload a copy of the documents they will be presenting for Section 2. This can be done from a desktop/laptop by uploading a saved file or through a mobile device by taking a picture. The experience below is depicted from a mobile device:

If your talent exits out of the workflow prior to uploading their documents, they can re-enter their packet from the Section 1 completion email sent after they sign their Form I-9. They will be asked to enter two fields to authenticate back into their I-9. This information will be based on the data they entered in Section 1 such as zip code, date of birth, etc. Once provided, they will be sent a one-time passcode (OTP) to access their packet.


If the task assigned to your talent was the Equifax Workforce Solutions I-9 task, then once they have signed Section 1 (or after uploading their documents, if enabled), then the talent will land on the congratulations page below. Clicking the ‘Continue’ button will redirect them to the appropriate workflow, as designed by your Avionté implementation team.


If the HCM User assigned the Remote Service Provider task from BOLD, the talent will be asked to schedule their I-9 Anywhere appointment prior to landing on the congratulations page. Initially they will select the location they want to go to. It will pull in the address entered on their personal information page, but can easily be updated to provide different options.


After selecting the location, they will schedule the date and time of their appointment. To maintain compliance, talent will be unable to schedule after their third day of work, unless configured by your company administrator.


After scheduling their appointment, talent will receive a congratulations screen and a follow-up email with the date and time of their appointment, an acceptable documents link and an add to calendar feature. In the event the employee needs to modify or cancel their appointment, they can do so by selecting the option below. They will need to enter some personal information to authenticate back into their packet and reschedule/cancel.

NOTE: I-9 Anywhere Completers will automatically attach copies of documentation for every completed I-9. This is to ensure quality assurance, to support E-Verify cases, and to meet employer policies. If your organization does not retain copies of I-9 documentation as a standard practice, we recommend adding this exception to your standard operating procedures.


Employer Experience

Avionté customers get to enjoy a unique and integrated experience between the BOLD platform and the

Equifax Workforce Solutions I-9 HQ service. Authorized HCM users are able to log in to I-9 HQ in a variety of places throughout the BOLD platform to complete Section 2 and process E-Verify® cases. Users may also have access to reporting options, employee (talent) profiles/documents/modification options, complete supplement B and Form I-9 audit trails. To ensure HCM users are represented appropriately in both BOLD and I-9 HQ, you will want to review the User Management section of this document.

Logging in to I-9 HQ

From the BOLD dashboard or the BOLD Talent record, there are several ways to access I-9 HQ. From the BOLD dashboard, an HCM User can connect to the I-9 HQ dashboard by:

  1. Adding the myDashboard widget “Onboarding Tasks”
  2. Clicking the launch button next to the “refresh” button


HCM users may also be able to access some tasks directly from the Talent record. In the sample below, you can see that the talent has completed Section 1 and now requires action from the HCM user or recruiter to complete Section 2. From this screen, you may:

  1. Click the status link to complete Section 2 in I-9 HQ
  2. Select the View I-9 button to view a copy of the completed I-9 and audit trail

If we use the example above again, clicking the ‘Complete I-9 Section 2’ action would bring the authorized user into I-9 HQ to complete Section 2 for that employee. The user would also be able to navigate throughout the rest of the I-9 HQ application.


I-9 HQ Dashboard

The I-9 HQ dashboard is accessible to Avionté customers after they are logged in to the I-9 HQ from BOLD. Even if the user is currently working on a different task, clicking the Avionté logo or the Dashboard button in the top left-hand corner of the screen will allow the user to view their I-9 HQ dashboard. The E-Verify section should match the BOLD dashboard’s E-Verify widget exactly, but users may find some different task types within I-9 HQ.


I-9 HQ Dashboard Tiles

The I-9 HQ Dashboard tiles allow users quick access to the I-9 functionality that is most important to you. The standard tiles will include:

 Options  Functions
 Past Due

Provides a list of expired tasks to be managed based on date of expectation, broken out by task type.

 Due Today

Provides a list of tasks due today. These tasks could be based off of a hire date, expiration date, or other information pertinent to the specific task type.

 Due Soon

Provides a list of tasks due within the next three days. These tasks could be based off of a hire date, expiration date, or other information pertinent to the specific task type.

 My Tasks

Provides a list of tasks assigned directly to the user regardless of task type and due date.


This tile appears if your organization uses E-Verify. Any open tasks specific to E-Verify will be presented here.


Custom Dashboard Tile

Users will have the ability to customize the tile on their dashboard titled My Tasks. This allows each individual user the ability to monitor tasks important to them right from their dashboard. To modify this tile, you can click on the edit icon:

Users can choose from up to 18 various task types to monitor in their custom tile. To add a task type, just click the plus sign and it will be added to the task list on the right.

Drag options in the right column to reorder your selections. Once the Update List button is clicked, the user will now see their custom tile. Edits can be made as often as necessary to meet user needs.


Employee (Talent) Profile and I-9 Details

I-9 HQ creates a profile for all talent entered into the system, after they have clicked on the I-9 task assigned by the HCM user or recruiter. If you are inside of I-9 HQ, you can access the profile by searching for a talent or by clicking on the ‘View Profile’ options that display in various sections of the application.

The Employee Profile is your view of the talent’s current information on file. This could include information such as name, SSN, date of birth, address, email, hire and/or termination dates and more. You can then easily navigate to I-9 specific data or additional I-9 action items by clicking on the Form I-9 tab.


I-9 Details

From the employee profile, users can access the talent’s I-9 details by moving to the Form I-9 tab. Here the user will have a variety of options to view, including but not limited to:

  1. Turn on additional retention for a specific I-9
  2. Complete additional I-9 actions such as Supplement B (rehire, reverification, name change), send a Section 1 review/change request to the talent, edit Section 2 or Supplement B, retrigger or close E-Verify cases, etc.
  3. View Form I-9 status, completion date, citizenship status, and assigned location (NOTE: Even if section 2 is complete, the employee status will show Pre-Employment until their Work Start Date)
  4. I-9 document summary and retained images
  5. View document history; especially handy when talent may have more than one I-9 on file
  6. View E-Verify statuses and responses
  7. Add internal notes, which will not be added to the audit trail


Search Options

Top Navigation Search

If you are inside of I-9 HQ, you can easily search for a specific talent by using the search bar at the top of the application. You will enter the search criteria (FN/LN/SSN) and select the desired talent from the results provided.

Once this is done, you will be taken to the Employee Profile page where you can find personal information and employment details about this person. If you are looking for I-9 details or to complete an open I-9 task, you will need to navigate to the Form I-9 Tab.

Search By Task

If you are looking to view or act on certain outstanding tasks within I-9 HQ directly, then performing a search through the Task section is likely the best option for you. Users can get to a specific task by clicking on a line item in one of their dashboard tiles, by selecting the Tasks icon in the top navigation bar, or by clicking the View Tasks option in their Quick Actions section.


Selecting one of the Task options will bring you to the unfiltered task section. From here, you may search for a specific talent or filter by either Status or Task Type. In the example below, I’ve decided to filter by tasks to ‘Section 2 Upload I-9 Documents’. To do this you:

  1. Check the box(es) of the Task Type/Status you want to filter by
  2. Click Apply Filters
  3. Take action on a task by clicking on the Task Type Column
  4. Remove the filter(s) easily by checking the ‘X’ on the filtered task/status you wish to remove


Task Slideouts

Users can click the arrow on the right side of an individual task for a variety of options. Options may vary based on the type of task that is being selected, however, you will often find options such as:

  1. Archive - Dismiss the task from showing up in your active task list in the future
  2. View Profile - Go directly to the Employee Profile before deciding to take action
  3. Complete Now - Take immediate action on the outstanding task


Archiving a task will allow you to remove something from your task list because it no longer requires action from you. Some scenarios where this would be used is if an I-9 task was sent to talent that is no longer going to work with your organization, a duplicate task, etc. To archive a task from the slideout, you will click the archive task icon and click the archive button.

As noted in the warning message, an archived task can be restored. To do so, remain on the task menu. Then:

  1. Click the Show Archived link
  2. Find the task you would like to reactive and click the restore task button

You will receive a success message at the top of the screen.


Task Types

There are several different categories to which tasks will be assigned and require action from the user(s) within your organization. They can range from a Pending I-9 that requires further action, to an I-9 that has been completed and now may need to be re-verified due to expiration of documents. Below we will break down the frequently used task notifications and their status in the I-9 process.

 Task Type  Definition
 Pending I-9: In-Office

Office Your talent has completed section1 of the Form I-9 but section 2 completion is still outstanding.

 I-9 Anywhere

Your new hire has completed Section 1 of the Form I-9 but Section 2 completion via a in person meeting with a Section 2 completer from Equifax network of completers is still outstanding (NOTE: This would only occur if Remote Completion was selected when sending the I-9 task).

 Pending SSN

SSN Lists Forms I-9 where section 1 was completed using the SSN Applied for option. This option is used if the talent does not have a SSN or if the talent has applied for a SSN and it hasn't been issued yet.

 Section 2 Receipt update/Supplement B receipt Update

Indicates I-9s where the receipt option was selected and the original document still needs to be presented by your talent.

 Section 2 Upload I-9 Documents

This task is created if the Section 2 completer selected the ‘Upload Documents Later’ option when completing Section 2 of the talent’s Form I-9. This serves as a reminder to upload the documents to maintain compliance. (NOTE: if document capture is not enabled in Organization Settings this will not be an option)

 Expiring Work Authorization

Lists applicable talent whose work authorization document is approaching expiration. Hiring locations or branches are required to reverify their talent prior

to that time.
 E-Verify (Various)

Indicates open E-Verify cases that require action from an employer user. Some examples may include Photomatch, Tentative Non Confirmation, Case Incomplete, etc.


Pending SSN Task

In the event you have a talent who has not yet received their social security number, they should select the ‘SSN Applied for’ option when completing Section 1. Upon completion of Section 1, they will receive a confirmation email and it will note that they need to provide their SSN once assigned.

HCM users should complete Section 2 as they normally would. Upon completion, a Pending SSN task will be created. While the HCM user or recruiter cannot update the SSN, this will allow them visibility into any Form I-9 that does not have an SSN associated with it.


If the talent does not update their SSN with the original email provided, they will continue to receive reminder emails asking them to do so. To update their SSN, they will click on the link provided and be asked to verify their identity with some combination of personal information they provided when completing Section 1.

They will then be sent a one-time passcode to access the update request.

The talent should simply enter their assigned SSN in the space provided and apply their electronic signature. If the talent’s hiring site uses E-Verify, the case will now be sent to E-Verify for approval. Depending on the E-Verify response, you may need to take additional action.


Receipt Update

In the event the talent provides a receipt for a lost, stolen or damaged document, you can indicate that a receipt has been presented when completing Section 2 (or Supplement B) of the Form I-9. After you select the document(s) type presented by the talent, you will check the receipt option listed above the document detail fields. Doing this will allow you to continue with the Section 2 (or Supplement B) completion, but will create a Receipt Update task for the user.

Once the talent has the original document to provide, you will go into the task and select the ‘Complete Now’ option. You will be brought to the update screen where you can enter the details of the document originally presented, or you may select the ‘Replace Document’ button if the talent is providing another document(s) to prove their identity/work authorization.

In this example, the talent provided a receipt for their US Passport when Section 2 was originally completed. When I go into the Receipt Update task, I will find fields to enter details for that passport. However, if the talent now wants to provide their driver’s license and social security card, you can use the ‘Replace document’ option.

Once the document details are entered, the HCM user or recruiter will need to apply their electronic signature to complete the task. If the hiring site is using E-Verify and the receipt was for an identity document, it will now be sent to E-Verify for approval. Depending on the E-Verify response, additional action may be required.

Edit Section 2

The option to Edit Section 2 data is available in I-9 HQ through the Form I-9 tab in the employee profile after a Section 2 is completed.

Selecting this option allows the user to easily make updates to employment dates or documents. Changes made will be updated on the Form I-9 tab and visible in the Audit Trail found through the View Form I-9 button.

Example: A user noticed that they accidentally entered 08/08/2025 as the expiration date for the passport, but it is really 08/08/2029. After selecting the Edit Section 2 option, the user should choose the Update button and click Continue.

The user would be able to reselect the document (or select a new one, if needed), enter the document information and apply their electronic signature. Updates will be visible on the Form I-9 tab and through the Audit Trail.

Supplement B

Supplement B options become available to users once Section 2 of the Form I-9 is complete. Supplement B can be used for:

  • Name Changes
  • Rehires
  • Reverifications

Reverification will only appear as an option for users if the talent’s citizenship status requires a reverification to be complete at some point. You will not see this option for U.S. Citizens or Lawful Permanent residents.

Name Changes (Supplement B)

To complete a name change using Supplement B, you will need to:

  1. Search for the talent at the top of the application
  2. Navigate from the Profile to the Form I-9 Tab
  3. Click the Menu option (three dots) next to the View Form I-9 button and a menu of options will appear
  4. Select the Complete Supplement B option
  5. Pick Name Change
  6. Enter the updated name(s) in the fields provided
  7. Click Continue
  8. Sign the Attestation and Submit

Name changes will be visible in the View Form I-9 section with audit trail; however this will not update the employee’s profile. You must update the profile name if you wish to use the updated name to search for the talent in the future. (pictured below)

Rehires (Supplement B)

To complete a Form I-9 change using Supplement B, you will need to:

  1. Search for the talent at the top of the application
  2. Navigate from the Profile to the Form I-9 Tab
  3. Click the Menu option (three dots) next to the View Form I-9 button and a menu of options will appear
  4. Select the Complete Supplement B option
  5. Pick Rehire
  6. Enter the rehire date in the field provided
  7. Click Continue
  8. Sign the Attestation and Submit

Reverifications (Supplement B)

Talent with an expiring work authorization are required to provide updated documentation proving their eligibility to work in the United States. I-9 HQ will automatically track the talent based on the document expiration date entered when Section 2 was completed. Talent can be found on your dashboard tiles through the Expiring Work Authorization line item or by filtering your tasks by the same title. They will fall into this task type 90 days prior to their document expiration date. Users may also search for a specific employee and access their Supplement B through the Form I-9 tab.

Once you have launched the Expiring Work Authorization task or clicked on the Complete Supplement B option in the profile, you will need to take the following actions:

  1. Ensure the Reverify option is selected and hit the Continue button
  2. Select the document(s) being used for reverification
  3. Enter the document details
  4. Review and electronically sign the Supplement B

Upon completion, the Form I-9 tab will be updated with the new information and the Supplement B/Audit Trail will be visible by clicking the View Form I-9 button.

NOTE: E-Verify is only used after the completion of Section 2. HCM Users should not expect an E-Verify response when using Supplement B to reverify someone.


Admin Features

Users granted access with the I-9 HR Admin role will have access to an Administration Menu where they can view User Management or Organization Settings. Please note that some settings may be enabled by Avionté and cannot be changed by individual offices/branches/hiring locations.


Purge Rules

I-9 HQ is designed to automatically purge I-9s based on the USCIS retention policy, if termination dates are entered. Employers may have the ability to determine whether they want to extend the standard retention period, keep the standard retention period (do not extend) or retain all I-9s. This can be managed by HR Administrators in the Organization Settings.

In the event you wish to use one of the first two purge options but run into a scenario where you want to ensure a specific I-9 is retained, you may select that option individually. To do this you need to go to:

  1. The Form I-9 tab on the employee profile
  2. Select the gear next to the Form I-9
  3. Turn on the Retain Form I-9 toggle


Location Management

Location set-up drives several things within I-9 HQ. While we use the term ‘location’, this may mean different things to every company. Think of locations as a filing system, which can identify a variety of things including: Which branch/office/hiring site a talent belongs to, which location uses (or does not use) E-Verify, which HCM user or recruiter can access records within a location, how to receive reports by location.

Ensuring that the Office/Branch/Hiring site within BOLD matches the locations in I-9 HQ will be critical to minimizing errors for your talent or HCM users. To properly add or update locations, you will first begin in the BOLD platform under the Analyze tab. Users must have the Division/Office Admin permission in BOLD to perform this action.

  1. Account & Settings > System Settings
  2. Division/Office Configuration
  3. Click on the Office Section to edit an existing location in I-9 HQ or
  4. Click on the New Office option to add a new location

There are two important things to note while performing this action:

  • First, you should always provide legal names and addresses only (P.O. Boxes not accepted). It’s important to note that Equifax will automatically strip all special characters entered on this page. If you only enter a special character in any field, then Equifax will be unable to process that location.
  • Second, performing this step alone will not update I-9 HQ - it will only update BOLD. It’s critical you complete the next step to ensure that update is complete.


In order to pass a new or modified location to I-9 HQ, you must go back to the Marketplace and search for Equifax. Click Settings and Edit E-Verify account; then add the location and submit. Even if that location is not going to use E-Verify, this must be done to complete the location sync.

REMINDER: To ensure the location sync between BOLD and I-9 HQ is correct, location and E-Verify configurations should not be managed in I-9 HQ directly.


User Management

HCM users access I-9 HQ directly from the BOLD platform via single sign on (SSO). This means approved users will not need to enter credentials when accessing I-9 HQ*. Approved users may be visible in the User Maintenance portion of I-9 HQ after they have clicked the link from BOLD to log in for the first time, however, access may only be maintained from BOLD and not I-9 HQ.

*HCM users will only be able to access I-9 HQ with their BOLD SSO account. If your company also uses The Work Number® (TWN) through PeopleHQ, you will continue to use your direct login. Please note that the email address you use to login to TWN must be direct from the I-9 HQ SSO account email address.


Adding a User in BOLD to Access I-9 HQ

In order to grant I-9 HQ access to an HCM user or recruiter, the customer must follow a two-step process within the BOLD platform. The first action is to create the user: (Skip this step if the BOLD user already exists)

  1. BOLD Menu
  2. User Accounts
  3. Create New HCM User
  4. Add Name, Email and User Type. User type (role) is determined by the Avionté customer, so this may vary based on your set-up. Users added here will be granted I-9 HR Agent access in I-9 HQ
  5. Select Home Office (This is a BOLD requirement, but has no effect on I-9 HQ)
  6. Select Office Access, which is equivalent to location access in I-9 HQ
  7. User Groups are BOLD notifications and onboarding task permissions, which does not impact I-9 HQ
  8. Click Create


Once this user is created and they click on an I-9 task from the Talent menu or BOLD dashboard, they will be authenticated into I-9 HQ as an I-9 HR Agent and will be visible in the User Management section of I-9 HQ. Please note that your first login may be a little slower than subsequent logins, as the system authenticates you for the first time.

To grant this user access to I-9 HQ as an I-9 HR Admin, you will need to complete an additional step within BOLD:

  1. Go back to the Marketplace in BOLD. Search for Equifax and click on the Settings
  2. Select a user from the drop down menu and click the “+”
  3. Click Save

Once this is done, the HCM user or recruiter’s I-9 HQ user role will be updated.


To remove a user’s I-9 HR admin access, you will follow the same step above, by selecting the user from the drop down menu and clicking the “+”, even though the user has already been selected. Once you do this, a small “x” will appear by the user’s name. Click this “x” to remove their admin access. Then hit the ‘Save’ button.



I-9 HQ seamlessly integrates with E-Verify to allow for faster responses and less data entry for you and your HCM user. You can review the E-Verify set-up section of this document for additional information on first time set-up, and can use the same process for ongoing changes (adding/removing E-Verify from a location, requesting a new E-Verify account after initial activation, etc).

E-Verify statuses will post directly to your BOLD dashboard, where HCM users and can easily view and click to manage the responses.


Employment Authorized Auto Closed

It’s estimated that over 95% of all E-Verify cases will result in an Employment Authorized response. For these responses, there is no action required on behalf of the branch/hiring location. This response will be stored both in I-9 HQ and BOLD. You can find it in I-9 HQ under the Form I-9 tab of their employee profile and in BOLD using the E-Verify Case Management dashboard widget or by going to the BOLD talent tax tab.


Photo Match

The photo match response results when a new hire presents one of the following documents to validate their identity and work authorization on the Form I-9:

  • Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551)
  • Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766)
  • A valid U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card.

When this happens, it’s the hiring location’s responsibility to review the Photo Match case and decide whether the image provided from E-Verify matches the employee’s document. You will need to select Match, No Match or No Photo Displayed before submitting their response.

Once submitted, you will receive the confirmation message below and can expect a second response from E-Verify, based on the selection made.

The HCM user or recruiter may also decide to close the case at this time, for a variety of reasons. While this scenario is unlikely, it may be necessary in the event of a duplicate case or if the talent is no longer employed with the branch/hiring location.


Tentative Non-confirmation (TNC)

A TNC can occur when the information provided in Section 1 or Section 2 of the Form I-9 does not match the records that The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the Social Security Administration (SSA) has on file for the employee. When this happens, there are several steps that must be taken in a timely fashion.

To begin, the branch/hiring location should review their E-Verify Tentative Non-confirmation tasks in I-9 HQ on a regular basis. Once the user opens the task, they will have the option to send this to the talent in order to obtain their decision as to whether or not they want to take action to resolve the TNC.

If they click the Request Decision button, they can confirm the talent’s email address before sending it to them.* In the event your talent does not have an email address, there is a workflow to address this in person with that person. They must sign an attestation to acknowledge they are present and making the decision.

*Updates to the Talent’s email address through this process are not reflected in BOLD

The talent will be sent an email and asked for their decision (sample pictured below). They can also download a copy of the Further Action Notice (FAN). All notifications sent from I-9 HQ to HCM Users for Talent will come from noreply@equifax.com


If the branch/hiring location decides not to send the TNC to their talent and close the case, they will be
required to enter a reason in the space provided.


E-Verify Take Action/Schedule Appointment

Once the talent reviews the TNC notification sent, they will be asked to make a decision as to whether or not they want to take further action to resolve the matter with the SSA and/or DHS. Talent electing to take action will show up under this task.

HCM users should review the task and officially refer the case. Once this action is complete, it will go into the Referral Pending task list. The talent has 8 federal government working days from the Referral Date Confirmation date to take action with DHS and/or SSA and E-Verify will update I-9 HQ and BOLD with a case status. The talent may continue to work while resolving the mismatch.



If the talent decides not to take action, the HCM user or recruiter will still need to sign and Refer the Case. The case will then move into the E-Verify Case Closure task status as a final non-confirmation.


Final Non-confirmation (FNC)

A case can receive a Final Non-confirmation result when E-Verify cannot confirm your talent’s employment eligibility after they:

  • Visited a Social Security Administration (SSA) field office and/or contacted Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during the Tentative Non-confirmation (TNC) referral process;
  • Failed to visit SSA and/or call DHS within eight federal government working days after the employee contested the TNC and the employer referred the case to SSA and/or DHS; or
  • Did not give you their decision whether to take action to resolve the case by the end of the 10th business day after E-Verify issued the TNC result.

These cases will fall in the E-Verify Case Closure task within I-9 HQ. HCM users must close the case once a case receives a Final Non-confirmation result. You may terminate employment based on a case result of Final Non-confirmation with no civil or criminal liability.


E-Verify Unconfirmed Data (S1 or S2)

Unconfirmed data cases are received to prevent unnecessary TNCs. This allows the hiring site or talent another chance to correct their Form I-9 entry prior to E-Verify making their decision.

(S1) If it’s clear the unmatched information is coming from Section 1, the HCM user or recruiter will be able to send this back to the talent to review and make updates, if necessary, by clicking the Request Update button. You may also decide to close the case at this time, for a variety of reasons. While this scenario is unlikely, it may be necessary in the event of a duplicate case or if the talent is no longer being employed.

You will have an opportunity to review and update the talent’s email address prior to sending.


Once this is sent to the talent, it moves to the E-Verify Unconfirmed Data S1 Sent task so that you can monitor the progress.

(S2) If the error appears to be on Section 2 of the Form I-9 you will be asked to review for accuracy. From here you can either close the case, confirm the existing data or update inaccurate information.


If an update needs to be made, you can enter the information in the space provided and apply their signature. E-Verify will provide a subsequent response based on the employer’s action.


E-Verify Scan and Upload

This response occurs when documents images are required for a resolution by E-Verify, but were not previously provided. HCM users should upload the images and click the Submit Photos button.



You may also decide to close the case at this time, for a variety of reasons. While this scenario is unlikely, it may be necessary in the event of a duplicate case or if the talent is no longer being employed.


Duplicate Cases

Duplicate cases can happen for a variety of reasons, but often occur if a branch/hiring location sends more than one I-9 to the talent. If this should happen, you will simply need to review the duplicate cases and take the appropriate, available action.

I-9 Archive Feature

The I-9 Archive feature enables users to manage Form I-9s at multiple points throughout the I-9 lifecycle, allowing for organized document handling and compliance. This feature enhances compliance management, enabling organizations to handle I-9 forms efficiently at various stages and streamline associated E-Verify tasks. Previously, users needed assistance from Equifax or Avionté support to archive an I-9; now, they can perform this task directly within the platform.

Below are the key functionalities and considerations for the I-9 Archive process:

Archiving Stages in the I-9 Lifecycle

  1. After Section 1 Completion

    • An I-9 form can be archived after completing Section 1.

      1. Locate the Employee Profile within the Equifax Portal > View the Form I-9 Tab
      2. Confirm the Pending I-9
      3. Status = Section 1 Complete

      4. Click the ellipses to open the dropdown menu
      5. Select Archive

      6. Confirm the Archive Form process

        • Upon archiving, the associated Section 2 task is automatically deleted, streamlining task management.

  2. After Section 2 Completion

    • An I-9 form can be archived once Section 2 is complete; however, it involves additional manual actions related to E-Verify. Any Open E-Verify case linked to the I-9 will not close automatically. The recruiter must manually close these cases as a secondary step.

      1. Locate the Employee Profile within the Equifax Portal > View the Form I-9 Tab
      2. Status = Section 2 Complete

      3. Click the ellipses to open the dropdown menu
      4. Select Close E-Verify Case

      5. Provide a Case Closure Reason and Select Close Case

      6. Click the ellipses to open the dropdown menu
      7. Select Archive

      8. Confirm the Archive Form process

Workflow Options for E-Verify and Archiving

  • Prior to Archiving: It’s recommended that users review all related E-Verify data. If any E-Verify cases or tasks are associated with the I-9, they should be closed manually before archiving.
  • Handling Duplicate Cases: If an I-9 is archived without closing the associated E-Verify case, completing a second I-9 will create a new E-Verify case. This scenario initiates a duplicate case workflow, where the user is prompted to close the original case and proceed with the newly created one.

Additional Functionalities and Implications

  • Integration with Equifax and BOLD:

    • Once an I-9 is archived in Equifax, the onboarding task in BOLD is hidden from the Talent > Onboarding screen.
    • A new Equifax I-9 onboarding task can be initiated and sent to the talent if needed.

  • Employee Profile and Archiving History:

    • The I-9 Archive history is documented in the employee’s profile within the Form I-9 tab.
    • Archived I-9 PDFs are viewable in this section, providing easy access to historical records.

Reporting Options

      • By default, archived I-9s will appear in the following reports (and cannot be excluded at this time):
        • I-9 Audit Summary Report
        • I-9 Audit Detail Report
        • Transaction Activity Report
        • Billing Events Report

Auto Archive Incomplete I-9 Forms

The option to automatically remove incomplete Forms I-9 after a set period of time helps to reduce the administrative burden of task cleanup. Two separate organization settings configurations are available depending on the stage which the Form I-9 completion was abandoned.

Organization Settings - Incomplete Forms Configuration Settings

Navigate to the I-9 tab of Organization Settings, then scroll down to the Incomplete Forms section to access the settings for automated deletion of incomplete Section 1 or automated archival of incomplete Section 2 records and associated tasks.

  • Automatically delete incomplete Section 1 records - this feature is set to Do Not Delete by default Incomplete Section 1 records and associated tasks can be automatically deleted. To enable this feature, simply select the number of days past the task due date from the options available: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, or 180 days.

    • Note: If enabled, when the incomplete Section 1 meets the conditions for deletion and the nightly automated process is completed, the deleted I-9 Sent task cannot be restored.

  • Automatically archive incomplete Section 2 records - this feature is set to Do Not Archive by default Incomplete Section 2 records and associated tasks can be automatically archived. To enable this feature, simply select the number of days past the Pending I-9 task due date from the options available: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, or 180 days.

    • Note: If enabled, when the incomplete Section 2 meets the conditions for archival and the nightly automated process is completed, the archived Form I-9 can be viewed via the Form I-9 tab on the Employee Prole page. Scroll to the bottom to the History section to view Archived records.




To access the reports page from the Quick Actions menu, users need to have the appropriate user role. In addition to the Standard Reports that are available to all employers, additional reporting options may be available based on your set-up. The following is a description of the available reports.

 Report Name  Report Detail
 Company Locations

Provide employers with insights into the locations that are created against their employer.

 Company Usage

View all company, or specific location(s), I-9s completed during a certain time period.

 Company Usage Summary View a summary of all I-9’s completed during a certain date range.
 E-Verify Audit Summary View a summary of all E-Verify cases during a specific timeframe.

 E-Verify Pending Case Summary

View a list of pending E-Verify cases by location.

 Expiring Work Authorization

View talent document expiration and extension details. This report will also display the number of days until a document is expected to expire.

 Form I-9 Status View status of the talent’s I-9s for a certain time period.
 I-9 Audit Report Summary View a Form I-9 Audit Trail summary for talent.
 I-9 Audit Detail

View the Form I-9 audit trail for talent.

 Missing I-9

View a list of talent without a Form I-9 on file, based on comparison of payroll transactions.

 Noncitizen Employees

View all talent whose current Form I-9 indicates their citizenship status is Noncitizen Authorized to Work.

 Purge I-9 View all I-9s purged or scheduled for purge during a certain time period.
 Remote Hire

View all employees who completed Form I-9 reverification, including which document was used.

 User View insights into users that are created against their employer.


All reports can be scheduled to download as soon as available; to run at a later date; or set to run in a recurring pattern at a user’s choosing. A user can also select the date range and/or list of locations to be included in the information listed if desired. If signed up for I-9 HQ notifications by email, a user will receive an email notification when their report is ready to be downloaded. A user will then have the ability to view downloaded reports; reports scheduled to be downloaded; and archived reports. Downloaded reports will be delivered to the user in .xls or .zip format depending on the amount and type of content.


Notification Settings

Authorized I-9 HQ users can manage their own profile or their notifications settings through the My Profile option at the top right-hand corner of the screen. These notifications come directly from I-9 HQ and are received independently of BOLD notifications.

On the Settings tab, an HCM user can determine how they prefer to receive notifications from the I-9 HQ. In App will always be selected and appear under the notifications clipboard pictured on the top navigation bar. Opting for email alerts will allow the user to receive notifications for all tasks created, including tasks that do not integrate into the BOLD platform such as expiring work authorizations or receipt updates.



If you request email notifications they will come from PeopleHQ at noreply@equifax.com. The email will
alert you of the task type and direct you to login through BOLD.


Once you are in I-9 HQ, you can view tasks from (1) My Dashboard by clicking on any of the prefiltered tasks or (2) View (ALL) Tasks Menu where you can filter by task type or status.


Send Section 1 Review via SMS Text Message

Send a Section 1 Review to the employee via SMS text message in addition to email. Additionally, the employee profile can updated to reflect the phone number entered.

NOTE: Enable SMS Text Messaging in the General tab of Organizational Settings to use this feature

Admin Side

  • Enable SMS Text Messaging
  1. Click the Settings Icon
  2. Select Organization Settings

  3. Navigate to the General section
  4. Toggle Enable Test Messaging to "Yes"


  • Sending a Section 1 Review via SMS Text Message
  1. Navigate to an Employee Profile
  2. Select the Form I-9 tab

  3. Click the Ellipses to expand the dropdown menu
  4. Click to select Send Section 1 Review


  • A popup window will appear to confirm the send action. The phone number field is optional.
  1. Enter a mobile phone number and click the Also send by text message checkbox to allow the employee to receive an SMS text message to access their Form I-9 Section 1 for review and amendment. 
  2. Click the Update employee profile with this information checkbox to update the employee profile to now reflect the number entered.
  3. Enter a message (optional) for the employee to be notified with any instructions.
  4. Click Send Request to complete the SMS Text Section 1 Review notification.


Employee Side

  • After sending the SMS Text Section 1 Review notification, the employee will receive an SMS text message with the following text "You have received this message because a potential issue may exist on one or more fields of your Form I-9. Please review your selections".  A hyperlink will follow the text to bring the employee to the Equifax Portal.



  • After clicking the hyperlink, the employee to be directed to the Equifax Portal, which requires Identity Verification to access.
    • Last 4 digits of SSN
    • Date of birth


  • The employee will be given two different options to receive a One-time Passcode to complete the Identity Verification.
    • Via Email
    • Via Text


  • The screen shown below shows the example of receiving the One-time Passcode via Text and the corresponding Verify screen.


  • After the employee verification is complete, the employee will be directed to the Section 1 Review to make any necessary changes to their Form I-9. If a message was included from the Admin when submitting the SMS Text Section 1 Review notification, it will appear on the top highlighted in blue.
    • The employee must click the Pencil Icon to begin editing their information. 

  • Edit your information screen will appear for changes to be completed.

  • Save updated information when all edits are completed.

  • Sign I-9 Form changes via Electronic Signature and Submit.
    • Updated information provided will be used to complete the Form I-9 amendment. 

  • Confirmation screen upon successful submission of the changes.

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