Create, Edit, and Use Tearsheets

Tearsheets are used to group contacts who share common characteristics, making it easier to organize and manage them effectively. The guide covers steps for creating new Tearsheets, managing and sharing existing ones, as well as removing records from Tearsheets. Additionally, it explains how to extract and export Tearsheet data to Excel for further analysis.

Key Takeaways

  • Creating Tearsheets: Users can create Tearsheets to group contacts based on shared characteristics. This can be done from both the Talent and Company Manager tabs, allowing for flexible organization.

  • Managing and Sharing Tearsheets: Tearsheets can be managed by clicking on the Tearsheet icon and selecting the desired Tearsheet. Users can then add or remove shared groups or specific users. Sharing Tearsheets allows for collaborative organization.

  • Removing Records from Tearsheets: There are two methods for removing records from existing Tearsheets. Users can do a search or click the Tearsheet icon to select and remove specific records. This provides flexibility in managing contacts within Tearsheets.



Create a New Tearsheet
Manage/Share a Tearsheet
Remove records from an existing Tearsheet
Extract/Export to Excel


Create a New Tearsheet

  1. Go to the Talent or Company Manager Tab


  2. Enter search criteria (click 'Done' once you've added all your options)

    Example: Using IT related Positions

  3. Click the Search Icon
    You can also add contacts to tearsheets by clicking into a Company and selecting the individuals from there.

  4. Check the boxes of the applicants you’d like in your new/existing Tearsheets
    1. Click the circled option below to select all the results


  5. Scroll to the bottom right of the page and click Add to Tearsheet


  6. Click the checkbox for Create a New Tearsheet


  7. Enter a name for the Tearsheet
    1. You can select more than 1 existing Tearsheet to add the selected applicants to


  8. Click the Save button
    1. Now you should see your new Tearsheet
  9. Click on the Tearsheet icon
    1. Notice the Tearsheet I just created (IT Related Positions)
    2. The Tearsheet is also set to Private (lock icon in the 'Shared' column)



Manage/Share a Tearsheet

Current Tearsheets will be listed in the Tearsheets Tab of Applicant/Talent Tracking and the Company Manager. If the Tearsheet is in the Applicant/Talent Tracking tab then it will only have candidates. Similarly, if the Tearsheet is in the Company Manager then it will only have contacts.

  1. Click on the Tearsheet icon (upper right corner)


  2. Click Manage next to the Tearsheet you'd like to edit/view


  3. Select one of the Shared Groups or type in the Users:
  4. Click the Save button


  5. An email with a link to the Tearsheet will then be sent out to the users you selected.
    1. All shared Tearsheets will be marked as shared.
  6. To remove Users you are sharing a Tearsheet with, go to Manage
    1. Uncheck the box next to their names
    2. Click Save



Remove records from an existing Tearsheet

There are 2 ways to remove from a Tearsheet.  You can do a search or click the Tearsheet icon.


One way to remove records from an existing Tearsheet

  1. Click the Tearsheet icon
  2. Click on the appropriate Tearsheet


  3. Click the Done button
    1. Your Tearsheet will already be selected


  4. Click the Search icon


  5. Once the results are displayed, select all the records you want to remove


  6. Click the Mass Actions dropdown
  7. Click Remove From Tearsheets


  8. You'll be prompted to verify that you want to remove the record(s)
  9. Select the Tearsheet checkbox
  10. Click the Remove button


    1. If you still are showing the records you removed just refresh the page.


Another way to remove records from an existing Tearsheet

  1. Go to the Talent or Company Manager Tab


  2. Select Tearsheet from the Search options


  3. Click the dropdown for Tearsheets


  4. Select the Tearsheet(s)
  5. Click the Done button


  6. Once the results are displayed, select all the records you want to remove


  7. Click the Mass Actions dropdown
  8. Click Remove From Tearsheets


  9. You'll be prompted to verify that you want to remove the record(s)
  10. Select the Tearsheet checkbox
  11. Click the Remove button


    1. If you still are showing the records you removed just refresh the page.



Extract/Export to Excel

  1. Go to the Talent or Company Manager Tab


  2. Select Tearsheet from the Search options


  3. Click the dropdown for Tearsheets


  4. Select the Tearsheet(s)
  5. Click the Done button


  6. Select the record(s) you want to Extract/Export to Excel


  7. Click Mass Actions dropdown
  8. Click Extract to Excel

  9. The file should automatically download and be placed in your Downloads Folder
    1. You may also see the file at the bottom of your screen
    2. Though it is a CSV file, you can still use Excel




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