Requirements Groups – Custom Filled Job Requirements

The purpose of this feature is to provide you with the ability to take your system-level, new filled job requirements down to the Company / Job level. This allows you to set stricter requirements to be followed at the time of placing talent than what is set at the system level in the table editor.  This allows for a setup that ensures any Company / Job specific requirements are being fulfilled at the time of placement.


Key Takeaways

  • This gives you the ability to set up personalized new filled job requirements for Companies and Jobs.
  • These requirements span further than just requiring certain fields of data at the time of placement. Select specific pieces of data like specific tags, skills, or even electronic signature documents as defined below in the creating requirements groups section.
  • For those who are in the transition process, this functionality replaces the requirements and skills setup in Classic and the matching that occurs at the time of placement. However, this feature gives you more flexibility to have different requirements setups on Companies, to better support when they staff for a company in multiple verticals.  For example, you might need to fulfill different requirements if the position is Light Industrial, versus Clerical, versus Professional.



Overall Setup
Creating Requirements Groups
    General Requirements
    Custom Requirements
    Onboarding Tasks
    Using Requirements Groups
Example Scenarios


Overall Setup

To give users access to complete setup in the Companies > Requirements area you will need to ensure users types have Sales Manager access which will ensure they have access to create and manage new Requirements Groups on Companies.

  1. Click Account & Settings
  2. Click User Accounts


  3. Search for a user in the Search field
  4. Click the Edit Access button


  5. Select the checkbox for Sales Manager
  6. Click the Save button




Creating Requirements Groups

Navigate to a Company that you want to set up a new Requirement Group up for.  Access the new tab called “Requirements” and select “Create New Requirements Group”.

Note: Any requirements set up in the Table Editor will apply to every new Job that is created.  Any requirements set up in the Company will apply to every new Job that is created for that Company.
  1. Click on the Companies tab
  2. Select the appropriate search options to locate the desired Company
    1. If no options are selected then all Companies will be displayed
  3. Click the Companies search button


  4. Select the Company by clicking on the Company Name


  5. Click on the Requirements Sub-tab
  6. Click the Create New Requirement Group button
    1. To edit an existing Requirement Group, click the mceclip6.png  icon.


  7. Select the desired options that are required to create a job
    1. General Requirements
      1. Select the required fields
    2. Custom Requirements
      Select from a list of pre-defined options that are set up in Table Editor
      1. Position Categories and Skills
      2. Job Details
      3. Talent Contract Types
      4. Talent Document Types
      5. Applicant Tags
        1. The options available for the Tags are listed in the Custom Requirements section.
        2. See the blue box highlighted below
    3. Onboarding Tasks
  8. Click the Save button 





Here users with the associated permissions will be able to name their requirements group (remember to use a name that your Recruiters will understand, and know to select when creating a new Job). Select all of the requirements necessary at the time of creating a placement.


If you see any requirements already checked off with a check-mark that cannot be edited, these are the New Filled Job Requirements setup at the system level and these Requirements Groups setup on Companies cannot be less strict than those setup at the system level.


General Requirements

These are the fields of data on Jobs that the system might require to be filled out at the time of placement.


Custom Requirements

These are the personalized fields created on Talent and Job records.  This includes personalized Applicant Tags, specific Position Categories, and Skills that can be required on Talent, as well as specific Talent Contract Types that can be set up to be required.  Any tags that are selected include expiration dates.  If the date is in the past, the tag will be considered to not fulfill the requirement at the time of placement.  This also includes personalized Job Details fields on Jobs.  Any of these can also be set up as required at the time of placement.


Onboarding Tasks

This section gets into the details of Onboarding and any specific task or even specific electronic signature documents that can be set up to be required at the time of placement.  We are also including other onboarding integration partners, so making things like WOTC or Assessments required at the time of placement is also available for those using these integration partners.


Using Requirements Groups

Once your requirements group is created, these can be selected on Jobs by the users creating new Jobs.  This will ensure that when placing talent on this Job we are checking to ensure the Talent has fulfilled both the system-level New Filled Job Requirements setup in your table editor, but also the company-specific filled job requirements setup on the Company and Job.






Example scenarios this solves for

Scenario 1

My customer has a specific set of documents they need to ensure all sign off on when working in our warehouse.

Solution 1

If this client is using Adobe Sign and these documents are a part of their onboarding process, we would create a requirements group with a name like “Warehouse Jobs” that has all of these documents selected in the onboarding tasks area.  This requirements group will be utilized anytime a new job is being created that will be located in the warehouse.


If this client is not using Adobe Sign and these documents are collected in another way Contract Type(s) can be created to manage the completion of these.  We would create a Requirements Group with a name like “Warehouse Jobs” that has the correct contract type(s) selected in the custom requirements area.  This requirements group will be utilized anytime a new job is being created that will be located in the warehouse


Scenario 2

We need to ensure a Talent has steel toes boots to go to work for this Company


We would ensure a category of tags are created to be added on Talent that allow indication of things like steel toed boots.  A requirements group is created with the correct tags selected in the custom requirements area.  This would then be used when creating jobs for this Company.




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