Create and Manage Sub Vendors

Sub-Vendors are contract vendors that work with an agency, helping to search for and recruit talent to that agency's jobs.  Sub vendor data works like company data. 

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to Sub-Vendors: Sub-Vendors, akin to contract vendors, collaborate with agencies in talent recruitment, and their data management mirrors that of company data.

  • Creating Sub Vendors: To effectively manage Sub Vendors, use the Sub Vendor tab, add essential details like company name, representative, address, and status, and link them to jobs for candidate submissions.

  • Notifying Sub Vendors: Once a Sub Vendor is added, prompt notification ensures swift collaboration, allowing them to initiate work on the specified job, and this notification includes setting up their Vendor Portal for seamless interaction.

Create a Sub Vendor

To add and manage a Sub Vendor.

  1.  Click the Sub Vendor Tab
  2. Click on Add New Vendors
  3. Complete the following fields
    Name Comments

    Sub Vendor Company Name

    Enter the name of the sub-vendor that you're working with.


    Select one that is working directly between the sub-vendor and your company. 


    Address 1 Street address.

    Address 2

    Suite number, for example.  






    Works in the same way as the status for a company. This allows you to narrow down a search. Options are Active, Credit Check, Inactive, Prospect, and Qualified.


    Enter a sub-vendor website. This is recommended, as it will function as a duplicate checker.
  4. Click on the Create Sub Vendor button
    Sub Vendor - Add New - Save.gif

  5. Click on the Go To... button
    1. This will display the name of the Sub Vendor created


Adding a Sub Vendor to a Job

Adding a Sub Vendor to a job allows them to submit candidates/talent to the job.

  1. Locate the Job
  2. Go to the Job Sub Vendor widget
  3. Select the Sub Vendor from the Sub Vendors drop down.
  4. Click on the Plus icon
  5. Click on the Add button
    Job - Sub Vendor - Add.gif


Notify the Sub Vendor of Job

Once an agency has been added, you'll want to notify them, so they can start working on the position as soon as possible.  This will notify all the users of the Sub Vendor and allows them to set up their Vendor Portal.

The users may need to have a User record created.

  1. On the Job Sub Vendors widget, click the Envelope icon
  2. Click on the Notify button.
    Job - Sub Vendor - Notify email.gif


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