Set up Company Experience (Table Editor)

This tag can be used to create and edit company experience tags or to use for a custom tag your company would like to use on applicant profiles.


Create a new Company Experience

This is listed on the Talent Record > Tags tab > Company Experience field. 

  1. Click on Account & Settings
  2. Click on Table Editor

    Account Settings - Table Editor.gif

  3. Click on Company Experience tile
    1. Important Note: The name of this field is customizable, using the "Custom Name" field within the pop-up that will open. We do not recommend renaming this field, as it can cause it to be harder to locate later. If you do customize it, please note what you have changed it to and inform your staff.
  4. Add a document name to the New Item field
  5. Click on the Add button
  6. Click on the Close button

Company Experience - Add New - Save.gif


Example of new Company Experience

This is listed on the Talent Record > Tags tab > Company Experience field.

When creating a new Talent, the new option will be available in the Company Experience field.

  1. Go to a Talent's record
  2. Click on the Tags tab
  3. Go to the Company Experience field
  4. Select an option
  5. Click on the Plus icon (+)

Talent - Tags - Company Experience Add.gif




Add when creating a new Talent record

Add new Talent - Company Experience.gif



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