Create and Edit Criminal History on Talent

Click on the links below for more information:


Add Criminal History

  1. Go to the Talent's Profile and the Criminal History Sub Tab
  2. Click on the Add Criminal History button
  3. Enter information into the following fields:
    1. Type of Conviction: Select a Conviction Type
      1. Conviction Type options
    2. Nature of Conviction: Select a Nature of Conviction Type
      1. Nature of Conviction options
    3. Date of Conviction: Select the date of the Conviction.
    4. Verification Date: Select the date the Conviction was verified.
    5. User Comments: Enter comments from the Talent
    6. Remarks: Enter your internal comments
    7. Click on the Save icon

      Talent - Criminal History - Add.gif

    8. The Criminal History will now be displayed
      Note: If there are multiple items, the system shows the oldest first.

Edit Criminal History

You can add new, or edit existing, information.

  1. Go to the Talent's Profile and then the Criminal History Sub Tab
  2. Click on the Edit icon
  3. Add the new information or edit the existing information.
  4. Click on the Save icon

    Talent - Criminal History - Edit.gif

  5. The Criminal History will show the information

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