Add and Edit Certificates

This article guides users through setting up certification options, adding issuing authorities, and managing talent certifications in Avionte BOLD, covering filters, searching functionalities, adding new certificates, and editing existing certifications within a talent's profile.

Note: If you don't have access to the Certification Tracking, please reach out to your Account Manager.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn to efficiently manage talent certifications in Avionte BOLD by setting up certification options, adding issuing authorities, and utilizing filters and searching functionalities.

  • The article provides step-by-step instructions for adding and editing certificates, including details such as category selection, issue and expiration dates, issuing authorities, document privacy settings, and more.

  • Ensure proper tracking and organization of talent certifications by following the outlined procedures, empowering users to effectively handle certification-related tasks within the Avionte BOLD platform.

Filters & Searching

To manage Talent certifications, we have provided the ability to filter or search for those specific certificates.



There are 3 options for Filters: All, Active, and Expired.




In the free text Search field, there is the ability to search by: Certificate Name, Issuing Authority, Certificate Number/ID, Document Name, Issue Date, Expiration Date, and Notes.

Note: When searching for Issue Date or Expiration Date, use the first 3 letters of the month name.




Add Certificate

  1. Go to the Talent's Profile
  2. Click on the Certificates Sub Tab

  3. Click on the Add a New Certificate button

  4. Fill out the following fields:
    1. Certificate Category: Select a Certificate Tracking Parent (Certificate Category)
      1. Adding Parent records
    2. Certificate: Select a Certificate Tracking Child
      1. Adding Child records
    3. Validated (toggle): Choose whether the Certificate has been validated or not.
    4. Issue Date: Enter the date the Certificate was issued.
    5. Expiration Date: Enter the date the Certificate expires.
      1. If no Expiration date, then leave blank.
        Note: This Expiration applies to all Documents on the Certificate.
    6. Issuing Authority: Select a Certificate Tracking Authority
      1. Adding Issuing Authorities
    7. Certificate Number / ID: Enter the Certificate Number / ID (alphanumeric)
    8. Notes: Add any additional notes
    9. Expiration Date: Set an Expiration date
      1. This can be different than the Expiration date of the Certificate.
    10. Document Privacy (toggle): Select if the Certificate document should be public or private
      1. Document Privacy
    11. Upload Document: Upload the Certificate document (Max individual file size: 5 MB)
      1. Acceptable file types: DOCS, PDF, TXT, JPG, and PNG
  5. Click on the Save icon

  6. Below is an example of what a saved Certification looks like.


Edit Certificates

  1. Go to the Talent's Profile
  2. Click on the Certificates Sub Tab
  3. Click the Edit icon (for the Certificate you want to edit)

  4. Update the fields or documents as needed
  5. Click on the Save icon


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