Create Saved Searches

Whether it's Talent, Jobs, Companies, or Contacts; save the search options for quick and easy access.

Select all the desired filter options and use those same filters anytime.


Create a Saved Search

  1. Go to the desired area to save the Search for (Talent, Jobs, Companies, or Contacts)
  2. Click on the filter Terms button
    1. The label varies depending on the area (Talent Terms, CRM Terms, ...)

      Searches Filter - Jobs Talent Companys Contacts.gif

  3. Select all the filters and add criteria as needed
  4. Click on the Search (Magnifying Glass) icon

    Talent Search Filters - Add - Search.gif

  5. Click on the Save Search (Bookmark) icon
  6. Enter a name for the Saved Search
  7. Click on the Save button

Talent Saved Search - Add - Save.gif



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