This article's focus is on the overall setup of AvionteBOLD's Onboarding solution including the Adobe Sign integration.
Key Takeaways
Utilizing the Adobe Sign Prefill participant
Sending the electronic signature documents configured in a packet as 1 signing agreement
- Client Admins, please contact your Avionte account manager for the initial enablement of an integration.
2 Minute Use Case: Adobe BOLD Configuration
Feature Spotlight: Adobe Sign Templates
Integration Requests
Talent Onboarding Tasks
Talent Task Packets – Create and Manage
Talent Profile
Talent Access Setting
Integration Requests
Admin - a client user with admin access to the client's environment including some (not system settings) configuration access
In order to enable and configure some integrations, users need to have the Marketplace Admin user permission enabled.
Role: Client Admin
- Log into an account in Integrated Solution/Connect
- Click Account & Settings
- Click Avionté Marketplace
- Scroll or search for the integration name to locate the corresponding tile (ex. ADP WOTC, Adobe Sign, etc.)
- Click Details to open the integration's configuration
- Follow the prompts to set up the integration. Each integration's setup is different. If the Have an Avionte Account Executive contact me button is available, selecting this will send an email to the Avionté client management team to notify them of your interest.
Talent Onboarding Tasks
Talent Tasks – Recruiter Permission Setting
Role: Client Admin - Setting Recruiter Permission for Onboarding Tasks
Client Admins have the permission to set which Task(s) can be sent by recruiters; this is specific to the sending of tasks, profile areas, integrations, and documents.
- Click Account & Settings
- Click Utilities
- In the Search Utilities area, type: USER GROUPS
- In the Search Utilities area, type: USER GROUPS
- Click on the User Groups tile
- Create a group.
- Name the group.
- Add users to the group.
- User Groups are designed to efficiently enable permission access to a larger group as opposed to the individual management of user access. In the event a new integration is added or permission level is changed for an existing integration, a one-time, mass change can be applied.
- Open the Account & Settings drop-down and select Utilities. Then, open Talent Onboarding Tasks
- Expand the Task Categories using the arrows. Read more about each category and the available configuration below:
Onboarding Tasks Area: Sets which Profile Tasks (Personal Info, Direct Deposit, etc.), are On/Off for Recruiters to send as a talent task
- E-Signature Templates: Sets which E-Sign document/template is On/Off for Recruiters to send as a talent task
Onboarding Tasks Area: Sets which Profile Tasks (Personal Info, Direct Deposit, etc.), are On/Off for Recruiters to send as a talent task
There are additional permissions to be configured such as:
- Template Type: This allows you to select if the Template is an I-9 or Federal W4, all other templates would be the type of general.
- Review by employer required: When selected this will require an additional review by an internal team member before the e-signature document would be considered complete and the data on the document populates into the mapped fields.
- Documents remain visible after completion: This will allow a completed document to remain visible for the Talent to access and review even after it is complete.
Pre-Fill Document Required: This will allow a template setup in Adobe Sign with prefill fields to be utilized. It ensures the user sending this electronic signature template will be prompted to complete these prefill fields prior to sending the template.
- This replaces the prior Requires Recruiter Action First which allowed a task to first be delivered to a Recruiter (or an internal user) for completion and signature prior to being delivered to a Talent. Any templates that are setup utilizing this prior feature will continue to respect this. But templates moving forward will now have the Pre-Fill Document Required permission instead which will ensure a streamlined process in prefilling a template prior to delivering it to your Talent. We especially recommend updating to the Pre-Fill Document Required permission when sending these templates as a part of a Packet
Template Permissions: A User group can be added and permissions in this area. If you have other templates that already have similar permissions, you can copy them from that setup as well.
- Send = User can send this e-signature document out to a Talent to complete
- Finalize = User can take action to get a document into a completed status (sign and/or verify)
- View = User can open and view the document once it is in a completed status
Delete = User can delete this e-signature document (please note this will not delete it from Adobe Sign)
- Integration Tasks: sets which integration is enabled for Recruiters to send as a talent task
- User groups are also used here to permission the right groups of users to be able to send these tasks.
Assessment Tasks: sets which assessment integration(s) are enabled for recruiters to send to talent
- User groups are also used here to permission the right groups of users to be able to send these tasks.
Talent Task Packets – Create and Manage
Role: Client Admin
- Click on Account & Settings
- Click Utilities
- In the Search Utilities area, type: ONBOARDING TASK PACKETS
- In the Search Utilities area, type: ONBOARDING TASK PACKETS
- Click on the Onboarding Task Packets tile
- Click + button
- From here, a Recruiter/Admin can set
- Packet name
- Talent Task(s) to be included in the template
- Arrange the order of how tasks will be presented
- Click the Save button
Benefit: A benefit to including multiple Adobe Sign electronic signature documents in your Talent Task Packets is this will ensure these individual Adobe Sign templates are sent for completion as one signing agreement. Also, this means like named Adobe Sign fields once competed by the Talent will automatically update throughout. This will not only keep your number of signing agreements down, but will also provide your Talent a streamlined signing experience, while ensuring individual access to each of these documents upon completion on the Talent's record in the Documents area.
Talent Profile
Talent Access Setting
Role: Client Admin - Setting Talent Permission to Profile
Users can set limits on which profile area(s) Talent can view and edit.
- Click Account & Settings
- Click Utilities
- In the Search Utilities area, type: TALENT PROFILES
- Click on Talent Profiles
- Toggle which tab(s) Talent can or cannot view and edit
- There is no save option, therefore any changes are automatically saved.
- There is no save option, therefore any changes are automatically saved.
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