Talent Report


Updated 10/04/2021


This feature provides you with a report that includes detailed areas of a Talent’s profile.




To start, go to the Talent section of the application, and search for and select the talent you wish to report on. In the Talent detail screen, scroll down to reveal the Quick Actions menu. 

Within the quick actions menu, there is an option to Create Talent Report. Click on the drop-down list for Quick Actions and click the option.


When you make the selection, a new window will open that will give options for the Talent details to be reported on.


These are the areas of the Talent that can be included in the report. You can select as many or as few as you wish.

When ready, click Create Report. A PDF will be generated and saved to your downloads folder. After the download is complete, click Done to close the window.

Click on the download to open it. Here is a sample of what a report output looks like:


If you are a user that has switched to BOLD from AviontéCLASSIC, this report replaces the CLASSIC Employee report; it gives you the same information.


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