Canada Express Consent

This feature ensures that we stay compliant with Canadian spam laws. When this System Permission is turned on, there is a new field on the Talent Profile; it displays if the talent has given consent or not. This will allow you to send out mass marketing campaigns that do not include clients who haven't given consent, and this will keep you in compliance. 



What does this feature include?

A Section on the Talent Profile to manually update consent

  • A Contact Information widget

An Adobe merge field integration 

  • Allows talent to check off that they give consent to the agency to reach out

Activity logged on the profile to audit consent date/method


The overall focus of this work is as follows:

  1. Tracking Expressed Consent: This includes a checkbox as well as a date and time stamp.
  2. Searching to find applicants who expressed consent.
  3. Creating an Adobe Sign merge field to capture consent.
  4. When the expressed consent box is checked an activity automatically logs indicating who checked the box (if it was an Adobe Sign document, it will note what document it came from (this would have to be sent as part of a task.)
Note: This is a tiered feature - it will span multiple releases. The following aspects of this feature are available:

Express Consent | Tracking on Talent

We added a location to indicate that talent has expressed their consent to receive emails. In addition to the checkbox, we will capture and display a date & time stamp.
Express consent is enabled from System Settings. Go there from the main menu, and then click System Features. The Express Consent Tracking checkbox is the last in the list of System features.

Express Consent is in the applicant contact information panel. It can be edited by the recruiter and will update once saved. Values shown when not editing are "Not Given", "Given on {{datetime}}" and "Revoked on {{datetime}}".

Express Consent | Adobe Sign merge field

We created a merge field that can be used with the Adobe Sign integration (both the Adobe Sign and Echo Sign integration with Bold) that will populate the express consent checkbox.
Example of Express Consent In Onboarding Tasks:
Sample Adobe Sign Document with Express Consent checkbox:

Express Consent | Log an Activity

When the express consent box is checked or unchecked, the system will automatically log an activity. This activity will include the user that performed the express consent action.
Example of Talent Activities Screen:

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