In AviontéBOLD we have the ability to collect EEO information in a few ways, giving you the flexibility to capture this necessary data at the right point and time in your process.
Collection Options
- As a part of our web application and general applies, we can choose to add the EEO section to ensure this data is captured at the time of application.
- Within the Onboarding Solution, EEO is an Onboarding task option that can be requested individually.
- Individually from the Talent > EEO area, we can also submit a request to our Talent to request the completion of an EEO form.
When collecting EEO data we have options for two form options - one that includes the veteran and disability questions, and one that does not.
Once a Talent completes an EEO form, the data will populate into the Talent > Tax area, where the EEO fields are located. Only users provided payroll tax admin access will have the ability to see values entered in this area and this area provides those users the ability to manage EEO data to ensure proper EEO reporting.
Users can view the necessary EEO data and can add this information in the event it wasn’t provided.
BOLD Front Office Only clients:
- EEO reporting will be collected via the Analyze Module “Equal Employment Opportunity” report.
BOLD fully integrated clients:
- EEO reporting can be collected via the Analyze Module “Equal Employment Opportunity” report, as well as the “Federal EEO Report”, located in Back Office > Reports.
EEO Forms will flow through to back office to ensure reporting is accessible via the Analyze Module, as well as the Back Office Reports area for BOLD clients.
- The data in the Talent > Tax area will flow into the back office EEO area.
- Reports regarding EEO can be run in the Analyze module of Back Office.
- The EEO selections have been updated to reflect the new EEOC suggestions.
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