Talent Start Sheet Email

This feature provides the ability to create a personalized email template that can be delivered to Talent at the right time in your process, ensuring they receive important information about their assignment start electronically.

This ensures a seamless way to ensure your Talent can be provided important details on their Job and Placement. This ensures they have what they need to start their new role.


Note: Users do not automatically gain access to this feature. To use this functionality please create a support ticket asking for access.



If you are an admin user, setup the Start Sheet Email Templates in the Utilities > System Email Settings area.




When you are finished editing, you can navigate to an area where the start email templates are managed, including a built-in system default version.




To create a new template, select the “Create New” button, and the default start sheet email template insert will appear.  From here, the subject line and body of the email can be personalized, including your start sheet merge fields. This will ensure important data from the Job and Placement will automatically merge to the email template.

Please make sure to select the default start email template and indicate if you would like to enable the start sheet when assigning talent.  This will ensure your default start email is an automatic step in the assignment process.



The Recruiter’s Experience

When assigning a Talent to a Job:

  • If “Enable Start Sheet when Assigning Talent” in the Utilities > System Email Settings area is set to “On,” a recruiter will see the Send Start Sheet area on the Assign on Job flyout toggled on. This will also be set to email out the default start sheet email template. If needed a Recruiter can select another template from the default or make edits prior to emailing the start sheet.

  • If “Enable Start Sheet when Assigning Talent” in the Utilities > System Email Settings area is set to “Off,” a Recruiter will see this area on the Assign Job flyout and can either choose to toggle it on or move forward without sending a start sheet email at this time in the process.




If the start sheet email is not sent when the assignment was made, a Recruiter can complete this action. They can do this for either the Nomination bucket “Send Start Sheet” option, or Hire Details.


Nomination Bucket




Hire Details




In both areas you can see the default start sheet email template is selected and can be changed.  Additionally, any details in the body can be edited prior to sending.  The Print & Log Activity option should also be noted as an option in the event printing is the desired outcome (versus sending email).


Whether sending email or printing the start sheet, an Activity will be logged that will include the details of the start sheet that was either printed or emailed to the Talent.


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