Asurint Background Check Integration (v2)

Asurint is proud to be the Premier Partner of Avionte for background screening solutions, offering an easy integration with Avionte’s BOLD platform. Asurint helps to deliver an end-to-end view of the hiring process that improves workflow efficiencies, streamlines the recruiting process, and shortens the onboarding cycle so you can hire the right talent with confidence.

The Asurint integration with AviontéBOLD allows you to use their screening services when performing your background check requests on prospective talent and the results are delivered to you in a report within the BOLD interface.

Background Check Integration (v1) article.


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Integration Features

· Self-serve integration setup

· Restricted user permissions

· System level background check placement requirements

· Company level background check placement requirements

· In-app ordering

· Mass ordering from talent search

· Background check fee bill back

· Expiring background check monitoring

· Background check talent search terms

· Supporting analyze reports

· Background check data uplifted to BI

· Supporting widgets

· Background check auditing



Integration Setup

This is a self-serve integration in that you are able to enable and configure it as long as you have your account credentials from Asurint.


In order to enable and configure the integration, users need to have the Marketplace Admin user permission enabled.


  • Users who open Asurint from the Marketplace, without the Marketplace Admin permission, will see the following message.




Marketplace Integration Enablement

You will find the Asurint integration in the Marketplace and will have options to (there may be two Asurint tiles, make sure it is the one with the copy description mentioning 2021):

      • Receive more information regarding Asurint and the integration offering
      • Enable the integration yourself if you are an existing Asurint customer and have your Asurint credentials




Asurint Account Configuration & Validation

In order utilize the Asurint integration in BOLD, you will need to enter the following credentials:

          • Account ID – Provided by Asurint
          • Username – Provided by Asurint
          • Password – Provided by Asurint


Click the Verify Account button to validate the configured credentials.


Validation Errors

          • If required credentials are missing
          • If Account ID is invalid
          • If Username is invalid
          • If Password is invalid




Marketplace Integration Configuration

Once your Asurint account is validated, you will need to complete your integration configuration.






Show All Packages [Yes/No]


Gives users the ability to order any configured packages for the account


Restricts ordering to only the packages configured for the order location selected when requesting the background check

 Bill Transaction Type


List of transaction types synced to BOLD from Classic.  This is used as part of the background check fee bill back feature.

Consent Type [Provider/Staffing Company]


The background check provider will be sending the consent form to the talent

Requires the following talent data to place an order:

·         First Name

·         Last Name

·         Email Address

·         Phone Number

Staffing Company

The staffing company will be sending the consent form to the talent

Requires the talent complete a consent form before the system will allow a user to order a background check

Logged on Talent > Screening Page

·         Consent Toggle = Yes

·         Consent Date logged

Requires the following talent data to place an order:

·         First Name

·         Last Name

·         Email Address

·         Phone Number

·         Address

·         SSN

·         Date of Birth

Default Package Expiration


Allows you to set a default value (in days) that will prepopulate in the New Background Check aside when ordering a background check for a talent

Location ID

Provided by Asurint

Each Asurint location ID needs to be mapped to a BOLD office


Marketplace Audit

Changes to the integration configuration are being tracked in the Marketplace Audit.


Able to filter the Marketplace Audit based on the following:

          • Integration
          • User
          • Date Range

A search field is available to perform keyword searches within the Marketplace Audit.




User Level Permissions

User level permissions help ensure that users have the proper permissions and access to the background check data and features. By combining these user permissions in BOLD, there is more flexibility and options for the level of background check access given to a user, for example:

  • A user could have the ability to order and view results
  • A user could have ONLY the ability to order
  • A user could have ONLY the ability to view results
  • A user could order a background check without being able to bill back the fee to the company






Recruiter Review Access


User will be able to edit the background check Recruiter Review Status


The background check Recruiter Review Status is visible but not editable to the user

Request Background Check


User will be able to order background checks


User will be unable to order background checks 

View Background Check Results Report


User will be able to view results of background checks

The View Report option will be visible in the Talent > Screening page, background check widget, and expiring background checks widget


User will be unable to view results of background checks

The View Report option will not be visible in the Talent > Screening page, background check widget, and expiring background checks widget

Bill to Company


User will be able to add company billing transactions for the background check fee. User will also have the ability to edit existing billing transactions that aren't in a closed time entry batch.


The background check billing information will be visible but not editable.



Job Requirements

System Level Job Requirements

You are able to configure system level background check requirements that would apply to every placement made in BOLD.

Navigate to Utilities > Table Editor > New Filled Job Requirements – Integrations

Configuration Steps

            1. Select a package from the dropdown
            2. Click +
            3. Specify if the package is required to be passed or completed
              • Passed – Validation will require the talent have the package completed and designated a “Passed” recruiter review status
              • Completed – Validation will require the talent have the package completed
            4. Specify the “Within Days” value
              • Lookback period for a valid background check

Company Level Job Requirements

You are able to configure company level background check requirements that would apply to placements made for jobs with the company requirement set.

Navigate to the Company you would like to set these for, and click the Requirements Tab. From here, click the option Create New Requirement Group, and locate the Asurint option on the page.

Configuration Steps

            1. Select a package from the dropdown
            2. Click +
            3. Specify if the package is required to be passed or completed
              1. Passed – Validation will require the talent have the package completed and designated a “Passed” recruiter review status
              2. Completed – Validation will require the talent have the package completed
            4. Specify the “Within Days” value
              1. Lookback period for a valid background check

Placement Validation

Upon placing a talent who doesn’t meet either the system or the company level job requirements, an error will be displayed in the placement flyout.




How to Order a Background Check

The Create Background Check flyout and talent data requirements changes based on the Marketplace Consent setting.


Send a Single Background Check Request - With Provider Consent

      1. Navigate to the Talent profile
      2. Select Screenings tab
      3. Click Create New Background Check → Opens Create New screenings flyout
      4. Enter required talent data – fields will prepopulate with talent data if exists
        • First Name
        • Last name
        • Email
        • Mobile Phone number
      5. Select Location
        • Will only display offices configured with a Location ID in the Marketplace that the current user has access to
      6. Select Package
        • Can order multiple packages at one time
      7. Set Expiration Days
        • The number of days before a user can order the same package again
        • Prevents duplicate orders
        • This determines when it shows on the 'Expiring Background Checks' widget.
      8. Click Submit & Save Talent
        • If talent data is entered or updated in the flyout, data will be saved back to the talent record



Send a Single Background Check Request - With Staffing Company Consent

      1. Navigate to the Talent profile
      2. Select Screenings tab
      3. Click Create New Background Check → Opens Create New screenings flyout
      4. Enter required talent information – fields will prepopulate with talent data if exists
        • First Name
        • Last name
        • Email Address
        • Mobile Phone
        • Street Address
        • City
        • State
        • Zip
        • SSN
        • Birth Date
        • Drivers License number and State
      5. Select Location
        • Will only display offices configured with a Location ID in the Marketplace that the current user has access to
      6. Select Package
        • Can order multiple packages at one time
      7. Set or confirm value for expiration days
        • The number of days before a user can order the same package again
        • Prevents duplicate orders
        • Defaults to the value entered in the Integration Configuration, if there was one
      8. Click Submit & Save Talent
        • If talent data is entered or updated in the flyout, data will be saved back to the talent record



Order Request Validation Errors

When there is an issue with the talent’s data that would cause failure in creating an order with Asurint, an error will be displayed in the flyout.

Example: Incorrect education “To” value

Incorrect Value: 2020





Mass Ordering Background Checks

Mass background checks can be ordered from 3 places in BOLD. 

  • Talent Search

    1. Navigate to the Talent search page

    2. Select up to 15 talent

      • If more than 15 are selected, you will receive an error when ordering


  • Job > Nominated

    1. Navigate to a job candidate screen

    2. Under the Nominated section, select up to 15 talent

      • If more than 15 are selected, you will receive an error when ordering


  • Job > Pipelined

    1. Navigate to a job candidate screen

    2. Under the Pipelined section, select up to 15 talent

      • If more than 15 are selected, you will receive an error when ordering



Mass Ordering - With Provider Consent

  1. Click the Mass Background Check mass action
  2. Select or verify Location, Package, and Expires (days) values
  3. Click Continue


  4. Data validation check runs to confirm if the selected talent records have all the required data elements to place the order.
    • If required data is missing, the talent records will be displayed in the flyout.
    • The flyout will display the number of records that need to be updated
    • There will be a link to the talents’ records for quick navigation
    • Missing required information will be highlighted
    • Click Continue to page through the talent records that require updates


  1. Once all required talent data has been entered, you’ll receive a message in the flyout instructing you to submit the order.


  2. A confirmation message will be displayed in the flyout with  the number of successful and failed orders.
    • # of successful orders are displayed in green
    • # of failed orders are displayed in red
    • Errored talent listed in the flyout
    • Expand the screen to see detailed error
    • Depending upon the error, you can fix the issues and click the Reprocess Failed Requests button to order again



Mass Ordering - With Staffing Company Consent

  1. Click the Mass Background Check mass action
  2. Select Location, Package, and Expires (days) values
  3. Click Continue


  4. A consent validation check runs to confirm if the selected talent records have completed a consent form
    • Checks against the Consent field on the Talent > Screening page


  5. Data validation check runs to confirm if the selected talent records have all the required data elements to place the order.
    • If required data is missing, the talent records will be displayed in the flyout.
    • The flyout will display the number of records that need to be updated
    • There will be a link to the talents’ records for quick navigation
    • Missing required information will be highlighted
    • Click Continue to page through the talent records that require updates


  1. Once all required talent data has been entered, you’ll receive a message in the flyout instructing you to submit the order.


  2. A confirmation message will be displayed in the flyout with the number of successful and failed orders.
    • # of successful orders are displayed in green
    • # of failed orders are displayed in red
    • Errored talent listed in the flyout
    • Expand the screen to see detailed error
    • Depending upon the error, you can fix the issues and click the Reprocess Failed Requests button to order again



Background Check Fee Bill Back

You have the ability to bill back background check fees to your customers from the Talent > Screening section in BOLD.  This can be done in two ways, from either the Create Background Check aside or the Background Check Details aside.

NOTE: A user must have the Bill to Company user permission enabled, in order for a user to create the billing transaction: Account & Settings > User Profile > Edit Access > Asurint > Bill to Company = True

Create Billing Transaction from Create Background Check Aside

When ordering a new background check for a talent, there is a $ button along each package line item.


For packages where the fee is being billed back to the customer, you can click on the $ button to create a billing transaction.

NOTE: To cancel the billing transaction for the package, click the red $ button.


NOTE: Users who don't have the Bill to Company user permission will not have the $ button in the aside.


Create Billing Transaction from Background Check Order Details Aside

For an existing background check order, a user can click on the Details button to open the aside.



NOTE: Users who don't have the Bill to Company user permission will be able to view the existing billing information, but they will not be able to edit it.


From both the Create Background Check and the Background Check Order Details asides, you will need to fill out the entire billing form in order to create a billing transaction.


Field Description Note

Company Name

Customer that the fee is being billed back to

This field automatically searches and returns a list of company names based on the value entered.  Value must be at least 3 characters to return results.

Company Office Customer office that the fee is being billed back to Based on the Company Name selection, the Company Office dropdown will populate with the company's associated offices.

Accounting Period

Accounting period that the customer should be billed for the background check fee Dropdown provides up to 15 accounting period options

Bill Amount

Amount that the customer should be billed for Bill amount must be greater than zero

Bill Transaction Type

Transaction type used to display the background check fee on the invoice

The Bill Transaction Type value will default from what is selected in the Marketplace


Sync to Back Office

Upon clicking the Save button, the transaction will be created and stored in the back office.  The billing transaction is only a one-way sync from BOLD to back office.


The billing information will remain editable in the front office until the transaction in the back office is associated with a closed time entry batch.  At that point, the record in front office will be permanently locked down.


Deleting the Billing Transaction from BOLD

If there's a need to delete the billing transaction from the front office, before the back office transaction is associated with a closed time entry batch, you can update the bill amount to 0 and the back office transaction will be removed.




Background Check Management

There are a few tools to help you manage your background checks and results efficiently so you can place talent on jobs quickly.



Talent Screening Page

Once a background check is ordered, it will be added to the Talent > Screening page.




Features & Field Definitions



Consent Fields

Used to indicate if the talent completed a background check consent form

If the Marketplace consent setting is set to Staffing Company and the Talent Given Consent field is set to No, the Create a Background Check button will be greyed out

Table Filters

Allows you to filter the orders by provider, package, status, & score


Displays the provider the background check was ordered through

Order Date

Date the background check was ordered

Completed Date

Date results are received from Asurint

Package Sent

Name of the package ordered


The current state of the order


Status Values: Sent, Pending Signed Consent, Pending Talent Action, Pending Recruiter Action, Results Pending, Completed


Custom score value sent back from Asurint

Adverse Action

A dropdown field that allows for manual tracking of the pre-adverse action status of an order

Status Values: Initiated, Contested, Cleared, Adverse Action

View Report

Gives the user access to the detailed results on Asurint’s site

The report button will be displayed upon submitting the order to the partner

Users will only be able to view the report if they have the proper access through their account with Asurint

Details Button

Displays additional order information

Expires On

Displays the date the order will expire on

Once the expiration date is passed, the package can be ordered again for that talent

The date can be edited if needed

Recruiter Review

Status Values: Not Reviewed, Meets Requirements, Doesn’t Meet Requirements

Automatically set to Meets Requirements if the score sent back from Asurint is “Passed”

Automatically set to Doesn’t Meet Requirements if the score sent back from Asurint is “Failed”




Talent Audit

Changes made to the background check order from either the user or Asurint, are tracked in the talent audit.





Talent Search Terms

Background Check search terms have been added to BOLD.  The search terms allow you to perform AND/OR searches to find the right results.







Search Term Options

Search Term

Value Options

Use Case


Background Checked

Applicants Who Have Had

Used to find talent who have had a background check

Single-select list

Applicants Who Haven’t Had

Used to find talent who haven’t had a background check


Background check provider(s) that are enabled

Used to find talent who have or haven’t had background checks for a specific provider

Single-select list


Offices with Asurint location IDs configured in the Marketplace

Used to find talent who have or haven’t had background checks for a specific office

Multi-select list


Available packages

Used to find talent who have or haven’t had background checks for a specific package

Multi-select list

Recruiter Status

Not Reviewed

Used to find talent who have or don’t have background checks in a specific recruiter review status

Multi-select list

Meets Requirements

Does Not Meet Requirements

Background Check Status


Used to find talent who have or don’t have background checks in a specific order status

Multi-select list

Pending Signed Consent

Pending Talent Action

Pending Recruiter Action

Results Pending


Date Range

From Date

Used to find talent who have or don’t have background checks ordered within a certain date range


To Date



Background Check Widget

The background check widget can be used to manage the open background check orders, orders with results that need to be reviewed, and completed orders.





Background checks that have been ordered and are pending results back from Asurint.
NOTE: "View Report" will not be a report viewable link until Status is either "Completed", "Needs Review" or "Reviewed".



Needs Review

Background checks that have been ordered, where we’ve received results back from Asurint that need to be reviewed.

NOTE: "View Report" will not be a report viewable link until Status is either "Completed", "Needs Review" or "Reviewed".




Background checks that have results back and they’ve been reviewed.

NOTE: "View Report" will not be a report viewable link until Status is either "Completed", "Needs Review" or "Reviewed".mceclip39.png




Expiring Background Checks

The Expiring Background Checks widget can be used to manage background checks that have expired, or will be expiring within (maximum) 90 days.  


Adding a Background Check Order to the Widget

Background check orders are shown in the widget if the Expiration Date on the order falls within the widget's parameters.


Removing a Background Check Order from the Widget

Background check orders are removed from the widget in 3 ways:

    • When a new background check with the same package is ordered
    • If the Expiration Date on the order is edited to fall outside of the widget parameters
    • If the Expiration Date on the order is removed 



Re-Ordering Background Checks from the Widget

Background checks can be re-ordered directly from the widget by clicking the Create New button.


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