Create and Set up an Organization Chart

Easily manage your internal hiring managers by keeping track of who reports to who. By building out your organization chart, you can keep track of each division and levels of superiority.

Note: The Organization Chart will only display if there is a CEO/Company Head listed.




Setting the CEO/Company Head

Go to the Company record that the Organization Chart should be set for. 

  1. Click on the Organization sub tab
  2. Select a Contact from the drop down menu
  3. Click on the Set Company Head button
  4. The CEO/Company Head will now display in the Organization Chart

    Company - Organization - Add CEO.gif


Add additional Contacts

  1. Ensure you are on the Company record and the Organization sub tab.
  2. Select a Contact from the Add Contact field.
  3. Select a Contact from the Reports To field
  4. Click on the Add to Chart button
  5. Now the Contact will display in the Organization Chart

    Company - Organization - Add Contact.gif


Using the Reports to field

  1. Go to the Contact record that the Reports To field should be set for. 
  2. Go to the Organization Information Widget
  3. Click on the Edit icon
  4. Click into the Reports to field
  5. Start typing the name of their manager. 
    1. A list of Contacts assigned to that Company, will display
  6. Click on the Contact's name (their manager)
  7. Click on the Save icon

    Contact - Organizational Info - Reports to.gif



Changing a CEO / Company Head

Changing the CEO/Company Head will cause the entire Organization Chart to be hidden until a new CEO/Company Head is added.  The previous hierarchy will still remain the same.

  1. Go to the record for the CEO / Company Head 
  2. Click on the Organization Information Widget
  3. Click on the Edit icon
  4. Uncheck the Company Head checkbox
  5. Click on the Save icon

    Contact - Organizational Info - Remove CEO.gif
  6. The Contact record will now show the following:



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