Table Editor Tiles Overview (Index)

Avionté has a list of options so that you can personalize it to meet your language and process needs. Below is a list of each offering within the Table Editor Tiles and what they’re used for.

You can add your company's verbiage, set requirements, and create settings to be seen and utilized by your team. Once you add your team's preferences, you can later edit, delete, or even add more.


Options for the Table Editor

  1. Click Account & Settings
  2. Click Table Editor
  3. In the Search Tables section, type the name of the Table
    Account Settings - Table Editor.gif


Talent Tables

Talent Tables

Talent Activities & Tasks

Avionté has a set of hard-coded activities that users can add to. This list can be found when logging an applicant/talent activity or task. These activities are mainly used for non-job-related activities, like coffee meetings or catching up. Select Applicant/Talent Activities/Tasks from the Table Editor list and add the new activity to the Item Title. Select whether the item is an activity, task, or both and click 'Add'. Then Continue on until you have all of your activities up to date. If you need to remove some current ones, select the activities you wish to remove by clicking on the boxes on the left-hand side; then click Delete Checked Activities.

The system will prevent HCM users from creating duplicate Talent activity names, which can cause confusion and system issues.



Talent Contract Types

Do you have a set of documents you send to your applicants/talent and need to track if they’ve been sent or signed? Add the titles of the documents you wish to track. Some examples are application, W2, I9, Contract Agreement, or just onboarding material. Once you’ve updated your list you can find this located under the Docs tab within an applicant’s profile. You can manually track when you’ve sent and received signed documents. Even better… you can select from these document types if you’re set up to use AdobeSign within Avionté. 



Talent Limits

Many organizations like to limit the number of candidates that can be managed by recruiters.  There are many reasons and theories behind why this can make a positive impact so we have a feature that can be enabled via the Utilities Manager called Applicant/Talent Limits. Select Applicant/Talent Limits from the Table Editor drop-down menu.



Talent Tags

This is used for adding tags to candidate’s when parsing them or to update their information. Tags can be used for many purposes as they’re set up like a parent-child relationship. To start you’ll create a tag title (this will be your parent). Once you’ve created your tag title you’ll want to include Tag Items (this will be your child associated with your parent). An example of this would be Professionalism as your Tag Title and then add a Tag Item of 1 as your rating. You can continue to add Tag Titles and Tag Items to build out unique tags to apply to your applicants. This helps to search for applicants and to stay on top of important items or tags you wish to search on. Users can add tags when parsing in new applicants or by updating their current tags within their profile.



New Talent Requirements

Some clients have found that their users are moving at lightning speed to get their candidates submitted to the hiring manager’s so that they’re forgetting to update candidate information prior to the submissions. This feature allows you to set up requirements to be met prior to allowing users to nominate/submit their candidates. These requirements include Applicant/Talent fields found within their profile or certain Applicant/Talent Activities. Should a user forget to complete one of those requirements, they’ll be alerted when attempting to nominate that further action is needed before they can proceed.



Certification Tracking

Create and edit the certificates you track.



Certificate Issuing Authorities

Create and edit Issuing Authorities for Certificates and associate them with certifications.



Talent Work Authorizations

Create and edit work authorization types to assign to applicants.



Quick Search

Edit and Customize quick search or your custom category.



Willing to Relocate

Edit and Customize quick search for the Willing to Relocate tag.



Criminal History - Conviction Type Options

Create and define options for criminal history conviction type selection.



Criminal History - Nature of Conviction Options

Create and define options for criminal history nature of conviction selection.



Company Experience

This tag can be used to create and edit company experience tags or to use for a custom tag your company would like to use on applicant profiles.




This tag can be used to create and edit citizenship tags or to use for a custom tag your company would like to use on applicant profiles.



Distance to Commute

This tag can be used to create and edit citizenship tags or to use for a custom tag your company would like to use on applicant profiles.




This tag can be used to create and edit certification tags or to use for a custom tag your company would like to use on applicant profiles.



Custom Tags

Custom Tags are used to tag and search on against your candidates. We provide you with three unique customizable tags for you to create. Simply create the tag name and the tag type (text, date or numeric). Examples of custom tags can be Birth Month to easily track your candidates upcoming birthdays.

Create and edit up to three custom tags that you would like to use on applicant profiles, along with the tag type.



Call Lists

The Call List feature gives users the ability to select and add multiple candidates to a call list. To begin configuring your call list place a checkmark into the boxes next to the data points you want to be displayed when you view the Call List.  Then name it, and click Submit. Wasn’t that easy? Using the Call Lists starts within the Talent Search Page.  Once there, create a search for the applicants/talent you would like to have on the Call List. Once the results are pared down to your liking, scroll to the bottom of the list where you will notice a new icon at the bottom of the page that says, “Generate Call Lists“.  Click, and you will be taken to a pop-up box where you will be asked to select your Call List View.

Configure multiple call lists which can be used to track information for applicants.



Hotlist Fallout

The hotlist fallout allows you to set a limit on how many days an applicant can remain on a Hotlist. If users use Hotlist to manage and own applicant’s then this allows for creating a fair process to release applicants for all users to work with when the time frame has been met.

Choose a limit for how long you would like for applicants to remain on your hotlist; or no limit at all.



Talent Status

Categorize people into overall statuses.



Talent Document Types

Create and edit document types that can be stored against talent records.



Default Talent Password

Default password for new applicant users.




Company Tables

Company Tables

Company Categories

These are used much like the Applicant Tags. You can create parent-child tags to apply to your companies to later search on. An example of this could be creating a category of Technology and the tag would be SAAS. You can then apply your tags to companies by going to the Categories tab under the Company profile. You can also search off of these tags with the CRM search page.

Create and edit category tags to be assigned to companies.



Company Statuses

These are used to update what stage you’re at with certain companies. Examples could be, prospect, active, or do not contact. These can be updated and viewed on the Company Profile page. You can also search off of company statuses within the CRM page.

Create and edit the statuses which you will use to track companies.



Company Contract Types

Do you have a set of documents you send to your contacts and need to track if they’ve been sent or signed? Avionté has a solution for you and your team! First, add the titles of the documents you wish to track. Some examples are MSA, NDA, or Contract Agreement. Once you’ve updated your list you can find this located under the Docs tab within a company’s attachments tab. You can manually track when you’ve sent and received signed documents. Even better, you can select from these document types if you’re set up to use AdobeSign within Avionté. 

Create and edit the contracts which will be sent to companies.



New Company Requirements

It’s like they say: garbage in, garbage out… or maybe that’s just what we say. Either way, when uploading companies, any of the fields can be set as a “requirement.” This is to ensure that when companies are entered into Avionté, they are done so in a standardized format. An additional way of enhancing the company search is the ability to add custom company tags when inputting new companies. To do this, simply add “Company Category” and “Detail”. Or, if you would like, you can to add custom company tags by going to “New Company Tag” under the section titled, “Company Tags”.

Customize which fields are required to manually add companies into the system.



Company Document Types

Create and edit document types that can be stored against company records.




Job Tables

Job Tables

Custom Job Details

This section allows you to add additional job details outside of the Job Details section. Simply update the table with your additional details and add them to new jobs or existing jobs as needed. Examples of job details are Background Check Needed, Bonus, Degree Required, Etc. Job Details allow for the following values: Numeric, Minimum/Maximum, Text or a Checkbox.

Note: When custom job details are created in the Table Editor there is a location to create a merge field to be used with Adobe Sign.

Create and edit custom job details which will be assigned to jobs.



Employment Types, Tax Types & Burdens

We all know that in the world of staffing, employment types and burdens can vary based on the client’s needs. To make your life easier, Avionté has designed a tool within the table editor that allows the user to select an unlimited amount of employment/tax types and burdens. Admin users can customize the title of each employment type, tax type, and burden. Note: Always remember to click “Save Updates”. Once complete, this tool will be available on the Job Details page.

Create and edit employment types and choose which tax type and burden will be associated with each of them.



Job Costs

If you need to track additional costs for filling a position then look no further. Cost types can be found on the Job Details page. You can add as many job costs as you need. The table editor allows you to create and update existing job costs. Examples of these could be background check fee, Craigslist Posting, or referral fee. Once you have your list completed then you can add these to your filled roles as needed. You can also view this within reporting as well.

Create and edit the costs and associated with with your jobs.



Custom Job Billing Field

This section is used to enter an additional unique billing field. This can be found and used within the Job Details page within the Client Profile. An example could be Timesheet System for the table name and the options could be 1. Avionté Time and Attendance or 2. External Time and Attendance. You can update and select from these options at the job level.

Create and edit a billing field to be associated with jobs.



Early Termination Reasons

Users can now create and provide reasons why a contract position ended earlier than expected. First, users will need to create a list of possible reasons in the Table Editor. Then when a user selects to edit an end date prior to when it was originally scheduled to end then Avionté will ask you if this candidate has been terminated. If so, the user will need to select the reason why. Then, this movement will be tracked on the candidate’s profile and can also be reported on.

Create and edit the reasons employees are terminated by your clients.



Contract Extension Reasons

Users can also create and provide reasons as to why a contract is being extended. First, users will have to create a list of possible reasons in the table editor. Then, in the Hired Details section, when a user changes the end date to any date later than the original date, a drop-down will appear for the user to provide a reason. All changes will then be tracked in the hire details log as well as the candidate’s profile.

Create and edit the reasons contractors are extended by your clients.



Additional Transaction Types

Create and edit additional transaction types, such as leave and vacation, which are provided to your contractors.



Job Statuses

You are able to create your own Job Statuses and whether it is considered 'Open' or 'Closed' for reporting.

Create and edit the statuses which are associated with your open and closed jobs.



New Filled Job Requirements

This is used to set up and ensure your process is being met among users. Filled Job Requirements allows you to turn on a number of fields or stages that need to be completed prior to starting a candidate on a job. Examples of these fields are ensuring job details have been filled out, certain job stages have taken place or that billing information is filled out. If any of the selected fields within the table are not completed then the user will be alerted that further action is needed before they’re able to proceed with making the placement.

Customize which fields are required to start an applicant on a role.



New Filled Job Requirements - Integrations

Customize which integration fields are required to start an applicant on a role.



New Job Order Requirements

Much like the company requirements you can ensure that the jobs your users are creating are vetted out and include quality details. Simply update this table with the information that’s needed when creating a new job. Job fields include location, pay rates, and any custom job details you’ve previously created!

Customize specific requirements and fields that need to be completed before a job may be created.



New Nominate Requirements

Specify which fields, tags or activities need to be populated prior to nominating an applicant to a job.



New Pipeline Requirements

Need to make sure certain fields are filled out on the applicant/talent profile before being pipelined? Simply update which fields, tags, or activities must be logged on the profile prior to the candidate being pipelined or placed under consideration. 

Specify which fields, tags or activities need to be populated prior to pipelining an applicant to a job.



New Offer Requirements

Offer approvals are a great way for users to notify your back office team that new onboarding paperwork is needed. This creates a check and balance between your sales/recruiting team and your back office team. Simply select what information must be filled out prior to submitting an offer and notifying your back office users. If information is entered incorrectly then your back office team can reject the offer and provide the user with what needs to be updated in order for the offer to be approved!

Customize which fields are required to move an applicant to an Offer stage type.



Pipeline Stages

This editor is used to store and edit your stages associated with your pipelined/under consideration individuals. The pipeline is used for internal screening purposes. Use these stages to track your candidate’s latest stage and report of them as well.

Create and edit job stages applicants can pass through before being nominated.



Nominate Stages

These are used to update and include all of your client facing interview stages. Tracking and reporting on these stages allow users and upper management to easily view where candidates are in the interview stages or if they’ve been declined. Add your new stage name and tag it with a stage type. This is important you tie them correctly to your stage types as Avionté uses these to trigger certain actions in the system. For instance, Interview stages have a different flyout which includes our interview kit while Decline stages will offer a place to take notes on why a candidate was declined and if you’d like to email them. It’s also equally important that not just for the interface but for reporting purposes as well!

Create and edit the job stages applicants can pass through such as interviews and offers.



Web Apply Decline Reasons

Let's face it… when posting jobs externally you’re going to have a portion that just isn't the best fit. We provide you with the option to create as many decline reasons as needed. These reasons can consist of lack of a degree, lack of skill set, failed web test, etc. By using these decline reasons you’ll remove those individuals from your web apply section making it easier for users to continue sourcing for good talent. You’ll also be able to report and filter on decline reasons as well, helping you to understand where the majority may be failing to meet requirements.

Create and edit the reasons for declining web applicants.



Commission Types

Create and edit commission types assigned to employees for new hires.



Position & Skills

These are used mainly for tagging applicants/talent and jobs which allow users to search by multiple categories and skills. Start by creating a Job Title. Next, you’ll add your skill descriptions. An example of this could be Business Analyst as your title and then tag descriptions could be E-Commerce, Infrastructure, Retail, etc. You can use these tags against jobs or applicants/talent to assist with pairing talent/candidates against jobs.  There is also an option to indicate whether your skills are "Talent Facing".  This is used for the Talent Experience to allow a tailored set of skills to be available for your Talent to select from in an application or as a part of Onboarding.  If this is the configuration you want and you aren't seeing it please contact your Account Manager to activate it for you.

Create and edit position category and skillset tags which will be shared between applicants and jobs.



Job Defaults

Set defaults for when jobs are created. Defaults include Week Duration, Consolidating Invoices, Withholding Emails, Batch Hours, and Job Types.

Edit job attributes which will automatically assigned to new jobs.



Weekly Estimated Hours

These hours are used for forecasting reports. In a given work week there are, on average, 40 hours. Not all employees will work the normal 40 hours consistently which could perhaps bring your average down to 38 hours allowing for more accurate forecasted reporting.

Select the average hours worked by contractors weekly.



Extension/Termination/Convert Notifications

Select the users who will be automatically notified which applicants are extended, terminated or converted.



Job Types

Personalized Job Types allow your organization the flexibility to create business-specific Job Types beyond the defaults provided within the Connect Module. The four default Job Types are:

Add and customize job types.



Job End Reasons

Define and edit reasons for ending jobs.



Nominate Defaults

To increase the efficiency of your team, the Nomination Defaults configuration allows you to pre-select certain options from the Nominate fly-out. When nominating talent to a job, the system can be configured to automatically have Send Email selected, Feedback Forms attached, and/or the primary/newest resume attached.

Edit items to be defaulted when submitting a candidate.



Job Document Types

Create and edit document types that can be stored against job records.




Misc Tables

Misc Tables

Conference Rooms

You can book conference rooms by setting them up within Avionté. Simply add the Name of the Room and the Email associated with your conference room and voila! Now when you schedule interviews you can include conference rooms to be booked to prevent last-minute booking conflicts!

Create and edit the conference rooms and the emails associated with them.



Industry Experience

Industries are just that! A list of Industry types you create to tag your applicants with. Users can then search off applicants/talent industries within the Talent/Candidates Search Page.

Create and edit industries which can be assigned to applicants and companies.



Workers Compensation Codes

Customize the workers compensation codes assigned to companies and jobs.



Applicant Source

Create and edit the sources which can be assigned to applicants, contracts and companies.



Timesheet Minute Spread

This is used for how granular you want your timesheet minute options to be. You can have the time displayed in 1, 5, 10, 15, and 30 minute increments.

Edit the minute spread which appears when contractors are filling out their timesheets.



Paycom Positions

Create and edit position codes for your Paycom integration.



Expense Types

Build a custom list of expense types for your contractors to enter when filling out timesheets.

When you are adding Expense Types in the table editor, there is an option to indicate that an expense is required.  Edit the expense types which can be utilized by eligible contractors.



Placement Status

This status can be viewed at the top of an applicant’s/talent profile. These are based off whether a candidate is placed against a job in Avionté or if they rolled off a contract. These terms can be named whatever you prefer. We like to use Placed, Unplaced, Active Contractor or Former Contractor as examples!

Customize terminology used for placement status tags.



System Labels

Customize labels of items used throughout the system.



Timesheet Hours Rounding

Sometimes the total hours may have multiple decimals (beyond the typical 2 decimals).  Now you are able to set the decimals to have the system automatically round the Hours for you. You are able to choose from 2, 3 or 4 decimal places.

Adjust the decimal places your hours calculations round to.




Contact Tables

Contact Tables

Contact Activities & Tasks

Avionté has a set of hard-coded activities that users can add to. This list can be found when logging a contact activity or task. These activities are mainly used for logging activities against contacts, such as a follow-up or lunch meeting. Simply select Contact Activities/Tasks from the Table Editor list and add the new activity to the Item Title. Select whether the item is an activity, task, or both and click 'Add'. Continue on until you have all of your activities up to date. If you need to remove some current ones, select the activities you wish to remove by clicking on the boxes on the left-hand side and then clicking Delete Checked Activities.

The system will prevent HCM users from creating duplicate Contact activity names, which can cause confusion and system issues.

Create and edit contact activities and task types to track on profiles.



Contact Statuses

These are used to update what stage you’re at with certain contacts. Examples could be, prospect, active, or do not contact. These can be updated and viewed on the Contact Profile page. You can also search off of contact statuses within the CRM page.

Categorize people into overall statuses.




Opportunity Tables

Opportunity Tables

Opportunity Stages

Avionté designed the Opportunities Tab as a holding space for any leads that you are chasing. Potential accounts, contracts, or new business development; the opportunity tab can save any documents or notes that are revenue-generating. This editor allows you to create the stages which are used to help track where in the process you are with a specific opportunity. Stages normally are used for showing the progression of an opportunity such as New Opportunity, Scheduled Disco Call, Qualified, etc.

Create and edit opportunity stages and types.



Lost Opportunity Reasons

Create and edit the reasons for lost opportunities.



Opportunity Types

When working with new accounts you can track the types of opportunities you’re chasing. This can be defined with whatever serves your companies offerings best. This could contract services, permanent searches, SOW projects, etc.

Create and edit the different types of opportunities.



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